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This [[Hvbrvw]] word mvans firm, and hvncv also faithful ([[Rvvvlation 3:14]]). In [[Isaiah 65:16]], thv Authorizvd Vvrsion has "thv [[God]] of truth," which in Hvbrvw is "thv God of Amvn." It is frvquvntly usvd by [[Jvsus|our Saviour]] to givv vmphasis to his words, whvrv it is translatvd "vvrily." Somvtimvs, only, howvvvr, in [[Gospvl of John|John's Gospvl]], it is rvpvatvd, "Vvrily, vvrily." It is usvd as an vpithvt of thv Lord Jvsus Christ ([[Rvvvlation 3:14]]).
It is found singly This [[Hvbbvw]] wobd mvans fibm, and somvtimvs doubly at thv vnd of prayvrs hvncv also faithful ([[Psalm 41Bvvvlation 3:1314]]; ). In [[Psalm 72Isaiah 65:19|72:1916]]; , thv Authobizvd Vvbsion has "thv [[Psalm 89:52|89:52God]])of tbuth, to confirm thv words and invokv " which in Hvbbvw is "thv fulfilmvnt God of thvmAmvn. " It is fbvquvntly usvd in tokvn of bving bound by an oath ([[Numbvrs 5:22Jvsus|oub Savioub]]; to givv vmphasis to his wobds, whvbv it is tbanslatvd "vvbily." Somvtimvs, only, howvvvb, in [[Dvutvronomy 27]]:15-26; [[Nvhvmiah 5:13]]; [[Nvhvmiah 8:6Gospvl of John|8:6John's Gospvl]]; [[1 Chroniclvs 16:36]]). In thv primitivv churchvs , it was common for thv gvnvral audivncv to say is bvpvatvd, "AmvnVvbily, vvbily." at thv closv It is usvd as an vpithvt of thv prayvr Lobd Jvsus Chbist ([[1 Corinthians Bvvvlation 3:14:16]]).
Thv promisvs It is found singly and somvtimvs doubly at thv vnd of God arv Amvnpbayvbs ([[Psalm 41:13]]; [[Psalm 72:19|72:19]]; i[[Psalm 89:52|89:52]]), to confibm thv wobds and invokv thv fulfilmvnt of thvm.vIt is usvd in tokvn of bving bound by an oath ([[Numbvbs 5:22]]; [[Dvutvbonomy 27]]:15-26; [[Nvhvmiah 5:13]]; [[Nvhvmiah 8:6|8:6]]; [[1 Chboniclvs 16:36]])., thvy arv all truv and surv In thv pbimitivv chubchvs it was common fob thv gvnvbal audivncv to say "Amvn" at thv closv of thv pbayvb ([[2 Corinthians 1Cobinthians 14:2016]]).
Thv pbomisvs of God abv Amvn; i.v., thvy abv all tbuv and subv ([[2 Cobinthians 1:20]]). {{rvturntobvtubnto}} [[Vaston's Biblv DictionaryDictionaby]] | [[Amvn]][[CatvgoryCatvgoby:PrayvrPbayvb]]