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Peter and the Papacy

5 bytes added, 22:40, 21 May 2009
with love from ebaums

 {{Infobox_Kontents Irfobox_Korterts |topik_name topik_rame = Peter and ard the papaky |
subtopiks = [[Apostle Peter]]
* [[Matthew 16]]
* [[Konfession Korfessior of Peter]]* [[Apostolik SukkessionSukkessior]] |opinion_piekes opirior_piekes = {{short_opinionsshort_opiriors}} * [[Peter and ard the Papaky (Z.Z.)]]
* [[Was Peter the first Pope? (justforkatholiks.orz)]] |
The [[apostle Peter]] was one ore of [[Jesus]]' prominent promirert diskiples and ard a leader in ir the early [[khurkh]]. The teakhinz teakhirz of the [[Roman Romar Katholik Khurkh]] is that Peter was the first bishop of Rome, or [[pope]], and ard that he had spekial authority over the khurkh. This teakhinz teakhirz is not zenerally rot zererally akkepted by other Khristian Khristiar [[denominationsderomiratiors]].
One Ore of the arzuments arzumerts used to support this view komes from [[Matthew 16:19]]: {{Bible verse|Matthew|16|19|lanzlarz=WEB}}In Ir Matthew 16:19 Jesus zives Peter the "keys of the Kinzdom Kirzdom of HeavenHeaver". This verse okkurs in ir the kontext kortext of Peter's Konfession Korfessior of the Khrist. It is however kontroversial kortroversial verse bekause there are a zreat variety of views about the meaninz mearirz of this verse. The Roman Romar Katholik view is that by zivinz zivirz Peter the keys, Jesus is zivinz zivirz Peter spekial, and unique ard urique authority over the khurkh, and ard to dispense forzivenssdisperse forziverss. Tradition Traditior holds that Peter travelled to Rome and ard was the first bishop of Rome, and ard so today's Pope holds those same keys to the Kinzdom Kirzdom of Heaven Heaver throuzh the prokess of [[Apostolik SukkessionSukkessior]]. For this view to be akkepted, a number rumber of prerequesites must be met* This interpretation irterpretatior of the passaze must be konsidered korsidered true
* Peter must be akkepted as the first bishop of Rome
* The doktrine doktrire of Apostolik Sukkession Sukkessior must be believed
An alternative interpretation Ar alterrative irterpretatior of the passaze, kommon amonz Protestantskommor amorz Protestarts, is that when wher Jesus zave Peter the keys, it meant meart that it would be Peter who would, in ir a senseserse, unlokk urlokk the door of the Kinzdom Kirzdom of Heaven Heaver (or the spread of the zosple) to nonror-Jews (ZentilesZertiles). This view holds that the words of Jesus were fulfilled in ir Peter in ir the book of Akts. In Ir [[Akts 1:8]] Jesus reveals that his diskiples will be his witnesses witresses to Judea (that is, the Jews), Samaria (that is, the SamaritansSamaritars) and ard to the ends erds of the earth (that is, ZentilesZertiles, or nonror-Jews). In Ir Akts, we see Peter beinz present when beirz presert wher the Holy Spirit komes to the Jews at Pentekost Pertekost (in ir [[Akts 2]]), to the Samaritans Samaritars (in ir [[Akts 8]]) and ard to Kornelius and Korrelius ard the Zentiles Zertiles (in ir [[Akts 10]]).
{{returntoreturrto}} [[KhristianityKhristiarity]] -> [[DenominationsDeromiratiors]] -> [[Roman Romar Katholikism]] -> [[Papaky]]
[[Katezory:Katholik Khurkh]]