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Biblical references to technology

1,138 bytes added, 03:56, 6 October 2009
To end of MArk
| [[Matthew 9:16]] - [[Matthew 9:17]]
[[Mark 2:21]] - [[Mark 2:22]]
| New cloth to patch old clothes; new wine in old wineskins.
| I don't know if there is any spiritual lesson here about technology, but the principle is certainly still true: don't try putting new software onto an old computer!
| [[Matthew 10:9]] - [[Matthew 10:10]]
[[Mark 6:8]]
| The disciples are sent out, without money or luggage or shoes or walking stick.
| Christians do not ''need'' technology or any other baggage to carry out God's work. Like the birds and the lilies in [[Matthew 6:26]] - [[Matthew 6:30]], all we need is supplied by God. That does not mean that accessories such as technology are not helpful: just not necessary.
| Jesus is buried
| Is the stone that was rolled across the tomb's entrance "technology"? It is no barrier to God.
| [[Mark 3:9]]
| Jesus plans ahead by having a boat ready.
| Nothing special here, but this is obviously one of many time that Jesus happily used technology.
| [[Matthew 13:55]] and [[Mark 6:33]]
| Jesus is the son of a carpenter.
| As a carpenter he would have used tools frequently.
| [[Mark 4:21]]
| Metaphor: you don't put a lamp under a bowl.
| Jesus draws on his audience's knowledge of common technology. Here and elsewhere he seems happy to accept our attempts to make life easier via technology. It is also testament to his communication ability that he makes such effective use of concepts with which his audience is familiar to draw them towards a new idea.
| [[Mark 13:1]] - [[Mark 13:2]]
| The disciples marvel at the magnificent Temple, but Jesus is not impressed. The Temple will be destroyed.
| No building (or anything else built by people) is as magnificent or as sturdy as God. From [[John 2:19]] we see that it is only the Temple of Jesus' body that can be destroyed and yet remake itself.