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Carey Grant

176 bytes added, 09:13, 26 September 2010
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" I don't want to write a formulated song or genre of song; just so it can fit into the mould that most industries seem to allow," say's Carey.
I want to express who I am " NOW " as an artist.
Producer [ David Rashed], suggested that Carey go back to where he started in His musical journey. So I went into the basement & set up my guitar and just played trying not regualte every sound that I made. This brought inspiration & dormant ideas to the surface. The result was a much more Live & unihibited CD called "Free To Fly". Some songs were inspired by dreams and the ideas were recorded almost immediately live & spontaneous off the floor; while other songs were worked & built off of favorite musical ideas.
"Free to Fly" is a guitar driven CD that captures the many song-writing styles of Carey; and features: David Rashed _ gtr. & [ Tommy Detamore] steel gtrs.