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Carey Grant

88 bytes added, 17:48, 1 October 2010
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Carey has always wanted to record a record that would capture a live feel without compromising the message which is timeless.
" I'm tired of trying to write a formulated song or genre of song; just so it can fit into the current some music industry mould."
I'm feeling beter better about myself capturing who I am as an artist during this particular time.i I guess it's abotu about balance and patience and just keepin on keepin " Keepin' on while continuing to enjoy the ride.Easier said than done it seems. I need to allow these songs to be bornOn " with " The Main Thing " being " The Main Thing," say Say's Carey. 
Producer [ David Rashed], suggested that Carey go back to his musical roots and to grab your amp & just play trying not to be hindered or regulate every sound You hear.
This was a liberating and fun expereince and it brought inspiration & many dormant ideas to the surface. the Approach to this Cd was to try to keep things simples and true while giving it an element of breathing space.
The result was a much more _ Live and spontaneous CD called "Free To Fly".
Some songs were inspired by dreams and some of the songs like Free To Fly, He's Comin' Back Now Jack, I Will Follow You: flowed out live off the floor & were worked less than some of the other songs which were built off of favorite musical ideas.