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The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (plot summary)

105 bytes added, 13:27, 26 June 2008
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==Lucy and the Wardrobe==
After the seemingly endless journey on the sledge, Edmund is woken up by the White Witch letting out a surprised cry. He suddenly realises what she is surprised about: at the side of the road, a group of animals are sitting at a table eating a tasty-looking meal. Edmund is sure that he can smell something like plum pudding. The Witch is furious with the animals and demands to know where they got the food from. One of the animals, an old dog-fox, says that the food was given to them by Father Christmas. The Witch is horrified and cannot accept the thought that Father Christmas could have been in Narnia. She then calms down and tells the animals that they will even now be forgiven if they say they have been lying. Then one of the animals, a squirrel, protests that Father Christmas has been to Narnia and the Witch turns all the animals into stone. Edmund then realises that he has allied with the evil side and begins to wish that he had stayed with the others.
The Beavers and the three children, meanwhile, are awakened by the sound of jingling bells. Mr Beaver is convinced that they are the bells of the White Witch's sledge, and creeps outside to hide in a bush so he can see the Witch pass. He runs back a few minutes and tells everyone that it's all right to come out. The jingling of the bells was not the White Witch, but the jingling of the bells on Father Christmas's sledge. He gives them all presents. Peter has a sword and shield, Susan has an ivory horn with a bow and arrow, and Lucy has a dagger with a small bottle of cordial which will restore any ill or injured people to their full health. Father Christmas then gives them all [[Christmas ]] dinner and wishes them a merry Christmas before heading off.
Meanwhile, the White Witch, the dwarf and Edmund are still travelling through the snow on their sledge. Suddenly the horses stop and the dwarf gives them several lashes with his whip in a bid to get them moving. But they don't budge and the dwarf admits that they have no hope of carrying on. Edmund also tries to help push the sledge but it still won't move. The White Witch then orders the dwarf to tie Edmund's arms behind his back and make him walk in front of them both.
==Deeper Magic from Before the Dawn of Time==
Susan and Lucy remain at the Stone Table all night and during that time they notice hundreds of mice biting away at the cords which hold Aslan's dead body to the table. After dawn has broken, they hear a loud rumbling noise from by the table. They notice that the table has cracked in half and Aslan has gone. Lucy reckons that it is magic. A voice from behind her says 'Yes, more magic!'. It is Aslan, alive again. Before the dawn of time, another spell was cast - older than the one cited by the White Witch - which guaranteed that if a willing victim took the place of a traitor was wrongly sacrificedon the stone table, the table would crack, and he would come back to life.
==The Great Battle==
The four children then tell the professor all about their adventures in Narnia. He tells them that they will not be able to get into Narnia through the wardrobe again, and this was proved correct. But it was only the beginning of the adventures in Narnia.
{{returnto}} [[The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (book)]] [[Category:Christian literature]]