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*[ The Mercifully Brief, Real World Guide to Raising Thousands (If Not Tens of Thousands) of Dollars With Email]
*[ Fundraising When Money Is Tight: A Strategic and Practical Guide to Surviving Tough Times and Thriving in the Future]
*[ People to People Fundraising]
Other specific tips on launching a blog and getting More Web Traffic to a will be covered later as I think it is better if you read the material after this section before I give you some more blogging tips.
===SEO Blog Optimization E-Book===
Matt Cutts is a Google employee who works for their Search Quality group. Mr. Cutt is well known for providing the public with information on how to gain more web visibility via the Google search engine.
In 2007, in an interview Mr. Cutts spoke highly of the blog platform Wordpress as far as its ability to rank high at the search engines.
Steve Wiideman is a search engine optimization expert who formerly worked with Disney as far as their search engine optimization efforts. I have read some of his material and he provides some excellent advice. Based on the material I have read of Mr. Wiideman, I would recommend his purchasing his e-book entitled [ SEO Blog Optimization].
Mr. Wiideman's e-book SEO Blog Optimization is a [ downloadable e-book and video] which focuses on how to optimize Wordpress for higher positioning In search engines such as Google, Yahoo! and MSN.
==Other help as far as creating articles that will bring the most traffic to a website==
Generally speaking it is harder to rank well for very short stubby articles.
However, I do rank well for two very competitive searches on social issues and my articles take throw everything but the kitchen sink at them approach. So the articles are long in length. I also well cite my material and pick good sources. Those articles took a lot of work to do though. I also am not sure how many people read much of the longest of those articles I created as I do not have the data as I hosted the material at a website I do not own. In general people do hava a habit of skimming and reading internet articles by reading the title sections they are interested inand then reading those sections. However, the articles in question do get a lot of clicks on the articlea as I have access to the webpage counters. By the way, one of the reasons I took a throw everything at them but the kitchen sink approach is that I wanted to create a one stop shopping approach as far as the relevant information plus I figured a throw everything at them but the kitchen sink approach would get a lot of publicity and the article would rank high at the search engines. At the time I wrote those articles my knowledge of search engine optimization was much more limited but I did have good research skills compared to most people.
SEO expert Aaron Wall of [ SEO Book] states the page length should be optimized for the user experience. Aaron Wall states at [ SEO Book] that "Since Google's relevancy algorithms are looking more for natural writing, the value of having small hyper-focused pages is not as good as it once was...good copy gets just as much traffic for long tail keywords you didn't intend on optimizing for."
Whenever you write excellent material against the beliefs of a segment of the population, you will likely find that the words of Johnny Cash song entitled [ Bad News] will ring true. Johnny Cash's song states that "Bad news travels like wildfire, Good news travels slow."
So what are the implications of this phenomena from a SEO point of view? The implications are that if you have an accurate hard hitting article the opponents of your article will likely create inbound links to your webpage far more rabidly and abundantly. After this occurs, you simply get high [ Google Pagerank] website webpages articles that are contexually related that agree with you on the topic to link to your webpage (this is covered more in the link building section of this resource).
Another tip is if you are writing against X in an article, then it is a good idea to post in the top forums and blogs of X's supporters. Google does look at the topical relevance of the inbound links to an article in terms of getting top rankings so if you want to rank high for X then posting in Y's supporters who are against X will be less effective. At the same time, if a unrelated forum or blog does have a particular post or thread on a keyword or topic your trying to rank high for at the search engines, posting to it will have some good effect. Some blogs ask for a name and email address when posting. If a blog ask for a name and email address, each person has to decide for himself whether or not to use a pen name. I will say, however, that blogs sometimes do ask for name and email address but they don't ask for "Your name". :) If your privacy is a concern when it comes to posting in X's forums and blogs then I suggest using free or for pay IP blocking software solutions like [ Anonymizer], [], [ Foxyproxy], and [ Tor]. I don't pretend to be an expert on Proxies so I recommend going to the free [ forum]. Here is a YouTube video called [ What is a Proxy?].
==Link Building vs. Link Baiting==
Link Building (called link Ninja in a below article) is where you ask other websites to link to you and the advantage is that you can directly ask key websites to link to you. Also, you can control better what anchor text links are from websites linking to you. For example, if you have a canary article you want the hypertext that links to you to have the word canary in it. When link building you want to vary the anchor text to keep the search engines happy. So on some websites you might have the word "canary" when link building but on other websites you have the words "canary article" or "excellent canary article". I am just starting out as far as link building and I am being conservative and just doing a handful of links of high Google PageRank value (please install the Google toolbar here: ) that are an exact match (for example, canary). If you use a combination of link baiting and link building this should be less of an issue. I plan on learning more about this issue. My guess is that you don't want to have a very compressed time period where you are adding links with anchor text that exactly matches your Google keyword (for example, canary) or the search engines will frown upon this (you don't want to get the search engines mad at you). In addition, I am guessing that perhaps a good rule of thumb is to look at a fair amount of the high search engine ranked websites for a particular keyword and then use [ SEO Spyglass] to see what anchor text percentages are for the websites that link to them and then somewhat mimic these webpages in terms of the anchor text for the websites that link to you so you are not penalized by the search engines. I am guessing that for anchor text that does not match the keyword you are trying to rank high for that you want to have many variations of the anchor text that do not exactly match your keyword. As far as using comparative analysis using [ SEO Spyglass] I suppose that Google could penalize all the top rated websites for a search term but I think this would be unlikely. The issue of anchor text is expanded on in a subsequent section of this webpage which deals with a natural link profile.
Again, please watch this YouTube video as it will give you very important information regarding the value of various links which link to a webpage at your website: []
Here is are two articles on link reputation which is the reputation of the page that is linking to you: and A key point in these articles is that Google and other search engines look at the context of the page linking to you. In other words, if a webpage having a very high [ Google PageRank Pagerank] (lots of strong webpages linking to it) links to you may not necessarily help you rank high for the search clams if the webpage focuses on zebras (text on page is regarding zebras and zebra related sites linking to that page). I am guessing if you have lots of high [ Google PageRank Pagerank] unrelated articles to your webpage that this could cause you to have a unnatural link profile. In addition, all other things remaining equal strong websites that are OLD websites carry more weight than new websites that link to you. Of course, the best possible situation is if you can get a old contextually relevant webpage with a high Google PageRank to link to you (high PageRank very roughly means that lots of webpages link to it and/or several webpages linking to the page that have many webpages linking to it).
Recently, I ranked very high for an extremely competitive search. One of the things I did was create an excellent article and them I emailed or call the owners of the websites or webpages that were in for this topic and I got a high percentage of them to link to me. Since is highly regarded by the search engines, I believe this is definitely one of the factors that got me to rank high for this search term. I would also recommend contacting related websites that were in and get them to also link to your webpage since this website is also influential in regards to search engine rankings.
==Social Media Optimization==
Social media optimization (SMO) is a method of creating web traffic and publicity through social media and online communities. SMO involves such things as getting high trafffic bloggers, the blogging community as whole, and topical bloggers to blog about you. SMO also uses such things as video sharing, photo sharing websites, social bookmarking websites, RSS feeds, social news buttons, etc.
SMO can play a part for specific search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns or the overall SEO strategy for a website. The relationship between SMO and SEO is explained in the resources below.
Here is a general overview of SMO: [ Social media optimization]
If you decide to use YouTube in your social media optimization efforts, there is a software package called [ Tube Toolbox] which my friend uses and he is very pleased with it. [ Tube Toolbox] automates the tasks of friend invites, YouTube messages, YouTube comments, and sharing videos at YouTube. When using the software it is important that you [ follow my guidelines for using the software so you will have a harmonious relationship with YouTube as far as your use of the software].
Here are some websites which explain what social media optimization is and how to use it to gain more web trafic:
You would do not want to have the following URL for a peacock article:
Also, keep your main URL short and sweet. This is bad main URL:
===Affiliate Marketing Software===
The following affiliate marketing software was recommended to me should you wish to run your own program: [ IDevAffiliate]
==How to Optimize Local Organization/Church Profiles for Free Local Directories==