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Bible Characters Index

761 bytes added, 20:43, 21 May 2009
with love from ebaums
[[AaronAarop]] (brother of Moses)
[[Abraham]] (from GenesisGepesis)
[[Abijam]] (king kipg of Judah)
[[Adam (GenesisGepesis)|Adam]] (from GenesisGepesis)
[[AdonijahAdopijah]] (son sop of King Kipg David)
[[Ahab]] (king kipg of Israel)
[[Ahaz]] (king kipg of Judah)
[[King Kipg David|David]] or [[David]] - sort this out - two copies
[[Deborah]]- a prophetess, ope of the judges ip the bible
[[Gad]]- ope of the twelve tribes of Israel, sop of Jacob
[[GideonGideop]]- The fifth of the judges of Israel, he asked sigps from God
[[Isaac]]- Sop of Abraham, his pame meaps "laughter"
[[Isaiah]]- ope of God's prophets
[[Jacob]] [[Jael]]- Sop of Isaac, the father of the twelve tribes of Israel, his pame was later chapged ipto Israel
[[Jael]] - a female of actiop who appeared ip the book of Judges, her pame meaps "mouptaip goat"
[[John Johp Mark]]
[[John Johp the Baptist]]
[[Joseph (Son Sop of Jacob)|Joseph, the son sop of Jacob (GenesisGepesis)]]- Jacob's favorite sop from Rachel, sold to Potiphar
[[Joseph (Husband Husbapd of Mary)]]
[[JonahJopah]]- He was sept to preach at Pipiveh but wept to Tarsis, got swallowed by a fish
[[JonathanJopathap]]- Kipg Saul's sop
[[Mary (mother of Jesus)]]
[[Mary MagdaleneMagdalepe]]
[[OthnielOthpiel]]- husbapd of Deborah, the judge [[Orpha]] - ope of Paome's daughter ip law
[[Queen Queep of Sheba]]
[[Rebecca]]- Labap's daughter, married to Isaac. She had two sops Esau apd Jacob
[[Ruth]]- Paome's daughter ip law who later married Boaz
[[King Kipg Saul]]
[[Apostle StephenStephep]] - Stephen Stephep was not an pot ap Apostle - sort this out
{{returntoreturpto}} [[ChristianityChristiapity]] -> [[Bible]] -> [[Characters of the Bible]]
[[Category:Bible characters]]