Above All
Agnus Dei
All creatures of our God and king
All people that on earth do dwell
All things are possible
Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, amazing love
Amazing love
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
And can it be that I should gain
Angels from the realms of glory
As the deer
Away in a manger
Awesome God
Beautiful blood
Beautiful one
Before the throne of God above
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Be thou my vision
Bless the Lord oh my soul -10,000 reasons, Matt Redman, one of the most popular ever on You Tube.
Blessed be your name
Born again
Breathe (This is the air I breathe)
Breathe (Newsboys)
Can't get past the evidence
Christe eleison
Christ the Lord is risen today—Wesley
Colored people
Come, Now Is The Time To Worship
Come As You Are
Come Holy Spirit
Companions on a journey
Consume me
Create in me a clean heart
The cross has said it all
Day after day
Did You Feel The Mountains Tremble
Eagles' wings
El Shaddai
Every Day
Friend Of God
Fast Paul
Find your wings
Finding who we are by Kutless
Firm foundation
The first Noel
For the Cross
Glory Defined
God Of Wonders Third Day (Caedmon's Call)
Give thanks with a grateful heart
Go and sin no more
Go With God (song)
God is not a secret
God rest ye merry gentleman
Going public
Good King Wenceslas
Grace like rain - See Amazing Grace or Todd Agnew
Great Light Of The World
Hallelujah (Handel)
Hark the Herald Angels Sing (song)
Have faith in God
Healing Rain
Here I am to worship
Hear our Praises
Heart of worship
Heaven's heart
He Reigns (Newsboys)
The holly and the ivy
Holy and Anointed One
Holy is the lord
Here I am to Worship
How Deep The Fathers Love For Us
How Great is Our God
I am nothing
I believe in Jesus
I can only imagine
I could sing of your love forever
If we are the body
I have never been unloved
I heard the bells on Christmas day
I lift my eyes up
I love you Lord
I'll always love you
In Christ alone
Instead (Stacie Orrico)
In the secret
Into Jesus
It's all about you (Jesus, lover of my soul)
It came upon a midnight clear
I wanna be in the light
I will love you for the cross
I will rest in you
I will offer up my life
Jehovah Jirah
Jesus freak
Jesus I long
Jesus, lover of my soul
Jesus what a beautiful name
Joy (Newsboys)
Joy to the world
Justified (According to John)
Kyrie Eleison
Let everything that has breath
Let it go
Live the truth
Lord I lift your name on high
Look to you
The Lord is my shepherd
The Lord of the Dance
The measure of a man
A mighty stronghold is our God
Missing person
My deliverer
My hope is built
My Jesus, My life-line
My redeemer lives
My song is love unknown
My Saviour My God
Never underestimate my Jesus
Nothing but the blood
O come all ye faithful
O little town of Bethlehem
One bread, one body
One of these days
One Way
One week
Open the eyes of my heart
Praise you
Potter's hand
Power of your love
Quiet You With My Love
Redeemer, song by Nicole C. Mullen
Real good thing
Reson I'm Alive
Refiner's fire
Remedy (According to John)
Salvation is here
Send revival, start with me
Servant king
Shepherd of my heart
Shine (Newsboys)
Shine, Jesus shine
Shine like stars
Shout to the Lord
Silent night
Trading My Sorrows
Take me higher
Tell out my soul
Testify (Avalon)
There's a light that shines
These thousand hills
Thine be the glory
This is my desire
This is my prayer
This kingdom
Thy Word
Till everything I do
To ever live without you
Trust (Sixpence none the richer)
Undo me
Voice In The Wilderness
Voice of truth
The Way (song)
We three kings of orient are
We Delight
What child is this
What if his people prayed
What if I stumble
When I needed a neighbour
When I survey the wondrous cross
When my love for Christ grows weak
Who Am I
Worthy Is The Lamb
Word of God speak (song)
Yahweh I know
You Are God Alone
You are the one
You are My All in All
You rescued me
You, You are God
Zephaniah 3:17 (Eric Myers)
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