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Creation science, intelligent design and evolution

1,474 bytes added, 16:37, 20 January 2020
Reduced length of quotation from Sir Cecil Wakely that I uploaded recenctly.
topic_name = Creation Science, Intelligent Design and Evolution |
subtopics = [[Creation Science]] - [[Young Earth Creationism]], [[Old Earth Creationism]], [[Intelligent Design]]
* [[Creationism among British scientists]]
* [[Evolution]] - [[Theistic Evolution]], [[Multi-Region Hypothesis]], [[Out Of Africa Hypothesis]]
* [[Natural theology]] |
===[[Creation Science]]===
<center>"There is no evidence, scientific or otherwise, to support the theory of evolution."<br>Sir Cecil Wakeley KBE CB DSc MCh.<ref>Foreword by Sir Cecil Wakeley to the 1967 book by retired professor H Enoch, "Evolution or Creation", Evangelical Press.</ref> President 1949-1954 of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Editor 1947-1969 Ann R Coll Surg Engl.</center>
Creation science is the theory that attempts to offer scientific evidence compatible with creation literally according to Genesis. This includes both the belief that the earth is only about 6,000 years old ([[Young Earth Creationism]]) and billions of years old ([[Old Earth Creationism]]). Although there are some out-spoken Christians with science-backgrounds who subscribe to these views, the vast majority of the world's scientists do not.
The letter from eight professors and three readers provides a useful introduction, at web page [[Creationism among British scientists]]. There is a literature review<ref>McIntosh A (2001), "Genesis for today", Day One Publications. Also later editions.</ref> by Professor Andy McIntosh DSc FIMA CMath FInstE CEng FInstP MIGEM FRAeS of the University of Leeds.
===[[Intelligent Design]]===
====[[Out Of Africa Hypothesis]] versus [[Multi-Region Hypothesis]]====
Interestingly, more recent scientific developments in understanding through genetic analysis have led to the theory that all humans living today can trace their ancestry back to a single woman (the Mitochondrial Eve theory) and a single man (the Y Chromosome Adam theory) who came from Africa (the Out-Of-Africa Hypothesis). Although this doesn't line up with the Genesis account on a number of levels, it is closer to the Genesis than the previous scientific Multi-Region Hypothesis of humans independently evolving in different continents.
[[Justin Martyr]], ''Justin on the resurrection,'' chapter VI. In ANF1, that is, [ Roberts A, Donaldson J and Coxe AC (1885) ''Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol 1'', at Christian Classics Ethereal Library.] [No later than 300AD.]
: And Plato says that all things are made from matter by God, and according to His design; but Epicurus and his followers say that all things are made from the atom and the void by some kind of self-regulating action of the natural movement of the bodies....
{{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -> [[God]] -> [[God is the creator]] -> [[Creation]]
{{returnto}} [[Apologetics]] -> [[Apologetics: Scripture index|Scripture index]] -> [[Apologetics: Genesis|Genesis]]
[[Category:Creation science, Intelligent design and Evolution]]
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