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Creationism among British scientists

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===Creation - letter to the UK Government from scientists===
<p>The Rt Hon Estelle Morris, MP<br /> Secretary of State for Education and Skills</p> <p>copies to:</p> <p>Sir William Stubbs, Chairman QCA<br /> Mr Mike Tomlinson, Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools, Ofsted<br /> Mr Andrew Adonis, Policy Unit</p> <p>Dear Secretary of State</p> <bp>Teaching of Origins in SchoolsTEACHING OF ORIGINS IN SCHOOLS</bp> <p>The undersigned academics, scientists and educationists are deeply concerned that the reasonable position taken by the QCA in National Curriculum science and by Ofsted concerning the teaching of origins at secondary level has been challenged.  (We write as a group of individuals and consequently the views expressed do not necessarily represent the view of those organisations with which we are associated).</p> <p>The National Curriculum requires that Darwinian evolution is put across as the dominant scientific theory but also requires that pupils are taught &quot;how scientific controversies can result from different ways of interpreting empirical data&quot;. Science should be taught with the critical appraisal of alternative theories. Such debate concerning opposing theories provides rigour in scientific method and contributes to the development of critical thinking by pupils.</p> <p>We find it most inappropriate that some well-meaning scientists have given the impression that there can only be one scientific view concerning origins.  By doing so they are going way beyond the limits of empirical science which has to recognise, at the very least, severe limitations concerning origins.  No one has proved experimentally the idea that large variations can emerge from simpler life forms in an unbroken ascendancy to man.  A large body of scientific evidence in biology, geology and chemistry, as well as the fundamentals of information theory, strongly suggest that evolution is not the best scientific model to fit the data that we observe.</p> <p>We ask therefore that, where schools so choose, you ensure an open and honest approach to this subject under the National Curriculum, at the same time ensuring that the necessary criteria are maintained to deliver a rigorous education.</p> <p>Yours sincerely</p> <p>Andy McIntosh DSc, FIMA, CMath, FInstE, CEng<br /> Professor of Thermodynamics and Combustion Theory, University of Leeds<br /> [2020: Emeritus Professor, University of Leeds.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Edgar Andrews BSc, PhD, DSc, FInstP, FIM, CEng, CPhys.<br /> Emeritus Professor of Materials Science, University of London.<br /> [2020: Emeritus Professor, Queen Mary University of London.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>David Back BSc, PhD<br /> Professor of Pharmacology &amp; Therapeutics, University of Liverpool<br /> [2020: Emeritus Professor, Liverpool University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Stuart Burgess BSc, PhD, CEng, MIMechE<br /> Reader in Engineering Design, University of Bristol<br /> [2020: Professor, Bristol University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]<br /> [2020: James Clayton Prize 2019, IMechE.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Sylvia Baker BSc, MSc<br /> Head, Trinity Christian School, Stalybridge</p> <p>Nancy Darrall BSc, MSc, PhD, MIBiol<br /> formerly Research Officer, Central Electricity Generating Board</p> <p>Graham Everest BSc, PhD <br /> Professor of Mathematics, University of East Anglia</p> <p>Ian Fuller BSc, PhD <br /> Lecturer in Physical Geography, Northumbria University<br /> [2020: Professor and Associate Dean Research, Massey University, NZ.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Nick Fuller BSc, PhD <br /> Post-doctoral research (Molecular Biology), University of Warwick</p> <p>Colin Garner BTech, BEng, PhD, CEng, MIMechE, MSAE <br /> Reader (Applied Thermodynamics), University of Loughborough<br /> [2020: Professor, Loughborough University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Paul Garner BSc, MIInfSc, FGS <br /> Senior Information Scientist, Cambridge Science Park</p> <p>D B Gower BSc, PhD, DSc, CChem, FRSC, CBiol, FIBiol<br /> Emeritus Professor of Steroid Biochemistry, University of London</p> <p>Terry Hamblin MB, ChB, DM, FRCP, FRCPath<br /> Professor of Immunohaematology, University of Southampton</p> <p>Arthur Jones BSc, MEd, PhD, CBiol, MIBiol<br /> Science Education Consultant</p> <p>Nigel Jones MS, FRCS<br /> Consultant Vascular Surgeon, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne</p> <p>Geoffrey Lewis MA, FSA, FMA, HonFMA<br /> formerly Director of Museum Studies, University of Leicester,<br /> past President, International Council of Museums</p> <p>Derek Linkens BSc(Eng), MSc, PhD, DSc(Eng), ACGI, CEng, FIEE, FInstMC<br /> Research Professor in Systems Engineering, University of Sheffield, formerly Dean of Engineering, University of Sheffield, past President, Institute of Measurement and Control<br /> [2020: Emeritus Professor, Sheffield University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Jeff Lowe MSc, MCGI, DMS<br /> formerly Principal Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University</p> <p>John Peet BSc, MSc, PhD, CChem, FRSC<br /> formerly Science Coordinator, Guildford College of Further and Higher Education</p> <p>David Rosevear PhD, CChem, FRSC<br /> formerly Senior Lecturer, University of Portsmouth</p> <p>Nigel Robinson BSc, PhD<br /> Post-doctoral research, University of Leicester (Currently teaching Chemistry)</p> <p>Stephen Taylor BSc, MEng, PhD, ACGI, MIEE<br /> Reader in Electrical Engineering and Electronics, University of Liverpool<br /> [2020: Professor, Liverpool University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>David Tyler BSc, MSc, PhD, CertEd, MinstP, CPhys, ACFI<br /> Senior Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University<br /> [2020: Professor, Manchester Fashion Institute, Manchester Metropolitan University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>David Walton BSc, PhD<br /> Visiting Lecturer, Dept of Computer Science, University of Durham<br /> Information Systems Consultant</p> <p>David Watts PhD, FRSC, FInstP, FADM<br /> Professor of Dental Biomaterials Science, University of Manchester Dental School<br /> [2020: Professor, Manchester University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Tim Wells BSc, PhD<br /> Lecturer in Neuroscience, University of Cardiff<br /> [2020: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University.<ref> webpage downloaded 2020_01_02.</ref>.]</p> <p>Bill Worraker BSc, PhD<br /> Senior (Software) Development Engineer, Hyprotech UK</p>
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