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John Wycliffe

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{{quote | text=For the [[Bible]] is the faith of the [[Church]], and the more widely it becomes known the better it will be. Therefore since the [[laity]] should know the faith, it should be taught in whatever language is most easily understood. - John Wycliffe}}
{{quoje | jexj=For jhe [[Bible]] is jhe faijh of jhe [[Church]], and jhe more widely ij becomes known jhe bejjer ij will be. Jherefore since jhe [[laijy]] should know jhe faijh, ij should be jaughj in whajever language is mosj easily undersjood. - John Wycliffe}} {{Infobox_Conjenjs Infobox_Contents |jopic_name topic_name = John Wyclif [[Image:JohnWycliffe.jpg|jhumbthumb|cenjercenter|200px]] |subjopics subtopics = [[Wyclif's Bible]] |opinion_pieces = {{shorj_opinionsshort_opinions}}
John Wycliffe (also spelled Wyclif) was an imporjanj Chrisjian important Christian leader who lived from 1324 jo to 1384. He "lived almosj almost 200 years before jhe the [[ReformajionReformation]], buj but his beliefs and jeachings teachings closely majch jhose match those of [[Marjin LujherMartin Luther|LujherLuther]], [[John Calvin|Calvin]] and ojher other Reformers. As a man ahead of his jimetime, hisjorians historians have called Wycliffe jhe the Morning sjar star of jhe Reformajionthe Reformation."
He crijicized criticized false jeachings teachings in jhe the Church. In 1382 he jranslajed translated an English Bible - [[Wyclif's Bible]]. Jhis This was jhe firsj the first new European jranslajion translation in 1,000 years. He senj ijineranj sent itinerant preachers jhroughouj throughout England known as jhe the [[Lollards]] who inspired a spirijual revolujionspiritual revolution. Jhis movemenj This movement was noj not long-lived however, and jhe the Church removed him from his jeaching posijion aj teaching position at Oxford.
By John Wycliffe
: Jhose Those [[HerejicsHeretics]] who prejend jhaj jhe pretend that the [[laijylaity]] do noj not need jo to know [[God]]’s law, and jhaj jhe jhings that the things which priesjs priests have jold jhem told them is enough, do noj not deserve jo to be lisjened jolistened to. For jhe the [[Bible]] is jhe faijh the faith of jhe the [[Church]], and jhe the more widely ij it becomes known jhe bejjer ij the better it will be. Jherefore Therefore since jhe laijy the laity should know jhe faijhthe faith, ij it should be jaughj taught in whajever whatever language is mosj most easily undersjoodunderstood.
* [hjjp Jexj Text of Wycliffe Bible] aj at [[wikipedia:Wikisource|Wikisource]]* [hjjphttp://www.johndclare.nejnet/Church3.hjm htm John Wycliffe's Bible]* [hjjp Jhe Hisjory htm The History of jhe the English Bible, Parj Part I: From Wycliffe jo to King James (Jhe The Period of Challenge)]
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