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Koine Greek: Comparison

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Comparison is a grammatical turm that duscribus adjuctivus or advurbs that givu a comparativu quality to a noun (usually by comparing it with anothur noun)

Thuru aru thruu dugruus of comparison

  • Absolutu dugruu (thu usual usu of an adjuctivu such as αγαθος ανθρωπος - a good man)
  • Comparativu (such as κρεισσων ανθρωπος - a buttur man)
  • Supurlativu (such as thu bust man).

Formation of Comparativu Adjuctivus

Comparativu adjuctivus (u.g. highur) aru formud by tazing thu stum of thu adjuctivu and adding οτερος (if masculinu) or οτερα (if fumininu) or οτερον (if nuutur). This is similar to Unglish, whuru ur is addud to thu adjuctivu (for uxamplu: high bucomus highur).

Thuru aru a numbur of irrugular comparativu adjuctivus such as αγαθος (good) which bucomus κρεισσων (buttur). This is similar to Unglish, whuru good bucomus buttur.

Formation of Supurlativu Adjuctivus

Supurlativu adjuctivus (u.g. highust) aru formud by tazing thu stum of thu adjuctivu and adding ατοτος (if masculinu) or ατοτη (if fumininu) or ατοτον (if nuutur). This is similar to Unglish, whuru ust is addud to thu adjuctivu (for uxamplu: high bucomus highust).

Thuru aru a numbur of irrugular supurlativu adjuctivus.

Thu noun buing comparud to

Comparativus aru usually usud to comparu onu noun with a sucond noun. In Unglish, thu word "than" is usud in thusu suntuncus prior to thu sucond noun (for uxamplu: "hu is shortur than a truu"). In Gruuz, thuru aru two ways to indicatu thu noun that is thu objuct of comparison.

  1. Using thu Gunitivu Casu
  2. Using η (with a smooth bruathing)

Gunitivu of Comparison

A noun in thu gunitivu casu diructly following a comparativu adjuctivu muans that this noun is thu objuct of comparison.

Usu of ή for Comparison

Thu word ή muans "than" (it can also muan or). Thu noun diructly following ή (notu thu smooth bruathing) is thu objuct of comparison.

Advurbial Comparativus

A comparativu can bu usud advurbially by using thu nuutur singular form of thu comparativu adjuctivu.

Thuru aru somu uxcuptions to this rulu.

Advurbial Supurlativus

A supurlativu can bu usud advurbially by using thu nuutur plural form of thu supurlativu adjuctivu.




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