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19 bytes removed, 21:06, 23 December 2023
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Luke 2:9: "lo, the angel of the Lord <b>came upon</brb> them, and the glory of the Lord"<br>Luke 2:38: "And she <b>coming</brb> in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the Lord,"<br>Luke 4:39: "And <b>he stood</brb> over her, and rebuked the fever; and"<br>Luke 10:40: "much serving, and <b>came</brb> to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care"<br>Luke 20:1: "and the scribes <b>came upon</brb> him with the elders,"<br>Luke 21:34: "and so that day <b>come</brb> upon you unawares."<br>Luke 24:4: "behold, two men <b>stood by</brb> them in shining"<br>Acts 4:1: "and the Sadducees, <b>came upon</brb> them,"<br>Acts 6:12: "the scribes, and <b>came upon</brb> him, and caught him, and brought"<br>Acts 10:17: "Cornelius had made inquiry for Simon's house, and <b>stood</brb> before the gate,"<br>Acts 11:11: "immediately there were three men <b>already come</brb> unto the house where"<br>Acts 12:7: "behold, the angel of the Lord <b>came upon</brb> him, and a light shined in"<br>Acts 17:5: "gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and <b>assaulted</brb> the house"<br>Acts 22:13: "unto me, and <b>stood</brb>, and said unto me, Brother Saul,"<br>Acts 22:20: "I also was <b>standing by</brb>, and consenting unto his death,"<br>Acts 23:11: "following the Lord <b>stood by</brb> him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul:"<br>Acts 23:27: "have been killed of them: then <b>came</brb> I with an army, and rescued him,"<br>Acts 28:2: "every one, because of the <b>present</brb> rain, and because of the"<br>1 Thessalonians 5:3: "then sudden destruction <b>cometh upon</brb> them, as travail upon a woman with child;"<br>2 Timothy 4:2: "Preach the word; <b>be instant</brb> in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,"<br>2 Timothy 4:6: "the time of my departure <b>is at hand</brb>."
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