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Technology in the Bible

841 bytes added, 17:16, 30 April 2010
Design and construction
== Design and construction ==
In the Old Testament accounts of Noah's Ark, ([[Genesis 6]]) and the Tabernacle and the Temple([[Exodus 25]] - [[Exodus 31]]), God dictates a detailed design but not the construction methods. That type of delegation seems typical of God, who often sets us a goal and relies on our initiative to work out the details. The design of Solomon's temple was handled differently. In [[1 Chronicles 28]] we are told that David gave his son Solomon written plans "that the Spirit had put into his mind" (v12). "The hand of the Lord was upon me and he gave me understanding in all the details of the plan" (v19).
In each case, it can be assumed that God expected the people to make whatever use of technology was appropriate to achieve the goal. Perhaps this is no surprise, but we should not overlook the fact that there could have been other approaches.
Or God could have provided all the tools that were necessary. God could tell us exactly what to do rather than leave so much open to our initiative.
== God's people appropriate technology from other cultures ==