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Addiitional Important Suggestions
*[ Google Keyword tool]
==Addiitional Additional Important Suggestions==
Now if your website is strong enough you can start going after the more popular searches. How do you know if your website is strong enough? Well if your website is somewhere between weak and strong and cannot decide if you are ready to go after the popular searches, I am willing to do a quick analysis of your website so you can follow the appropriate tactic in terms of pursuing popular keywords or pursuing long-tail keywords.
2. Again, the primary goal should be creating quality content. People are often much more likely to link to quality content than low quality content and inbound links are very important to gaining top Google rankings. Also, Google clocks how much time readers spend in an article and this partly determines your google ranking. Quality content encourages people to keep reading. Do NOT make any claims you do not reasonably support in the article. Readers will often blow off such an article and not read the rest of the article when they read such a claim or claims. This will reduce the amount of time they spend in your article and your Google rank will needlessly suffer. Plus people will often not be as likely to link to such articles which will greatly hurt your search engine rankings. Also, nothing will infuriate the opponents of an article more than an article than does not make unreasonable claims. This will create internet buzz/publicity for your article. Also cite your sources and do so via footnotes rather than bibliographies which are much less user friendly. Please keep in mind that Google ranks the links that you link to in an article. Obviously it is better to cite an authoratative website than Joe's blog.
3. Have a strong opening that makes a reader curious to know more and put the most relevant and interesting information at the top of the article and try to make a orderly progression to the article. Remember Google clocks the amount of time people spend in an article in regards to how it ranks an article.
4. Handle some of the more important objections to a position (for example, pro-life) when it is reasonable to do so. Avoid petty objections.
5. If appropriate, make reasonable concessions regarding a position (and again, while providing reasonable rebuttals of objections if possible ) and when writing about a person or movement point out the foibles of people when it is appropriate to do so as it is better they find out about these from the article than from other websites (obviously you do not want to major on the minors and talk about a parking ticket the person received). Gaining readers trust is vitally important and trust has to be earned. The Bible often points out the notable foibles of its main individuals and so should the article you are writing or helping to write.
6. As of November 30, 2007 the company had about 78% percent of the market share for search engine traffic. (see: ). If it is realistic given a cost/benefit analysis, set a goal that you or your team are going to reach the top 3 Google results for a web search because the top 3 Google rankings get the most web traffic. At the very least you or your team want to be in the top 4-7 results. I think an appropriate nickname for the Apostle Paul is the nickname "all out Paul" due to his zeal. You want to have Apostle Paul like fire in your belly when you shoot for top Google rankings.
7. Once you or your team pick an article topic find out what words or phrases people often or fairly often type in Google to search for information on a topic. These words and phrases are called Google keywords. A list of Google keywords is located here:
8. Use the list of Google keywords associated with the title of the article in your article in a reasonable way (see: as this is very important. Do not "stuff' these words into the article but use the most natural keywords and do it in a reasonable way. An example of Google keyword stuffing would be having an article on "Communism" and having the following "sentence":
Karl Marx socialist party marxism Soviet Union Karl Marx. The previous "sentence" was made up entirely of Google keywords and Google will heavily penalize for such gimicks.
9. Create sub articles which the main article links to and have these articles be Google keywords although certainly not all of the sub articles have to be google keywords (for example, you might cite an expert and have a short article on this expert). Having relevant, quality, and interesting content is key and don't be afraid to create sections in your article or sub articles attached to your main article that are not Google keyword related. The Google keywords merely tell you what the public is aware of and has a demand in knowing more about. If you or your team uncover relevant and interesting information that the public doesn't know about this will drive traffic to your article so again don't be afraid to create non-Google keyword material in your article or non Google keyword subarticles that are linked to your main article.
10. When you are creating Google keyword articles the Google keywords associated with a topic that are often but not always found here is not all the Google keywords associated with a topic. So say for example, if you go to you type in "widgets" you may NOT see that "widgets and wodgets" is a keyword phrase but if you type in "widgets and wodgets" you may see that "widgets and wodgets" is in fact a Google keyword phrase. If you download the program SEO FireFox which is located [ here] it does offer a nice keyword tool that will be located directly below the Google search box when you do searches.
11. Don't create a Google Keyword sub article until its ready. It is better to wait until you do further research and write a good Google sub keyword article rather than disappoint your readers with something of low quality. The same applies to your non-keyword articles but don't be afraid to create short bios of various people you cite. Keep the reputation of your article strong.
13. It is perfectly acceptable to use information in other articles and to quote them. However, do not make the main Google keyword article or the sub Google keyword articles 17% or more similar to the sources used (see step #8 above). Again this is a very important issue.
14. In relation to conservative articles or articles on conservative websites, do not rely on the press or blogs or internet forums to generate traffic for an article unless you plan on posting on some of the big blogs or forums. If a topical area has very prominent blogs or forums and you post on them it can provide a boost for your articles and create internet buzz. If the article is an issue article post on both liberal and conservative blogs. However, this step should only be used to kick start an already good article as may only create a short term effect. Kick starting an article can be important because once the targeted audiences are initially reached word of mouth can sustain an article. Also, given that the majority of the press is liberal it is wishful thinking to believe the liberal press will be of much help for conservative articles or articles at a conservative website. If it happens that is great but consider that icing on the cake. Often the blogs find out about an article because it has a fairly high profile via the search engines which are generating traffic for the article.
15. One excellent key to getting a top ranked search engine article is to have unique information in your article. As mentioned earlier by searching Google New Zealand I was able to find some key information in relation to a conservative article that was not widely known in English speaking countries although it was a top ranked article in New Zealand for the topic. In addition, by doing other research using both internet and print sources I was able to create unique content in the Conservapedia homosexuality article which is a top ranked article on the internet for the topic homosexuality. If you create some unique material in your article people will be more likely to cite your article with a link.
17. Put links to your articles on webpages on the website that the article resides on when it makes sense to do so. Your key articles should be accessible within 3 clicks on your main page.
18. Have a proofreader or proofreaders look over your article. I have been told there is a woman who will do this for free for conservative websites and I am going to try to contact her.
19. Call or email other websites that are related to the website article and have them link to the main article and/or sub articles associated with the article. Often this can make a big difference although I would not rely on it. Wait until your article is of good quality before you do this.