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Text:God's Word to Women:Dictionary



We women have had so few opportunities to become acquainted with the theological world, that it has seemed well to add a few explanatory notes to our Index, making it, rather, a dictionary-index.

Abigail, wife of Nabal, then of David, 150.

Abimelech, 56, 59, 530, 542, 546, 617.

Abraham, seeks a wife for Isaac, 57, 464; commanded to obey Sarah, 110, 150, 301; name changed from Abram to Abraham, 277, respect and obedience mutual with him and Sarah, 301; married his half-sister, 474; of idolatrous parentage, 56, 521; 557; preparation for fatherhood, 521ff; has a child by Hagar, 539; send Hagar and child away, 544.

Acamoth,” 253f.

Achsah, her great possessions, 613f.

“Acts of Pilate” cited 503.

Adam, perhaps originally bi-sexual, 23f, 39f; his gradual decline, 31f, 35, 168ff; his two duties 36; fails to “keep” the garden, 37; a “help” for him 34; his bad choice, 68ff, 90 ff; his treatment of Eve, 377; caused the Fall, 85, 90ff; the O. T. and Paul on his conduct, 90ff; cast out of the garden, 95.

Addis, William E., b. 1844 at Edinburgh, Prof. O. T. criticism at Manchester College, Oxford, 107.

“Adelphos” meaning of the Greek word, 62, 470.

Adultery, punished by death; 572; woman taken in, 675ff.

Afghanistan capture of brides in, 428; symbolic capture in, 432.

African tribes, heads of, not exogamous, 440; symbolic capture of brides in, 427.

Agassiz, Prof. Louis, b. in Switzerland, 1807; Prof. Zoology and Geology at Harvard University, U.S.A., 40.

Agnation described, 491.

Akkadia, Akked, see Sumner.

Alexander the Great, a celebrated Macedonia conqueror, born at Pella, B. C., 356, died in Babylon. 323 B. C. 505.

Alexander of Ephesus, 324.

Alford, Henry, Dean of Canterbury, poet and divine; b. London 1810—d. 1871; published an excellent edition of the Greek N. T.; author of many works, 75adn, 103, 105, 107, 195, 235, 238, 244, 285, 330, 639, 711, 755, 761f.

Amarna, Tell el, Tablets of, 448.

Ambrose, a Latin Ch. Father, b. about 340 A. D. in Gaul, d. 397, A. D. 144adn, 685.

American Indians, capture of brides among, 428; symbolic capture, 427; female kinship among, 473.

Amram marries his aunt.--its import, 474.

Androgynoas 24, 41, its meaning, 24dn.

Amraphel—see Hammurabi.

Andronicus and Junia, 642

Angels” of 1 Cor. 11:10, 237, 248, 253ff.

Angels, on resurrection morning, 754f, 761, 768.

Anna, the prophetess, 199, 784, 778, 792.

Antichrist, 163, 291, 360.

Apollos, instructed by Priscilla, 195ff.

Aquila, husband of Priscilla, 193, 195f.

Acquila, translator of the Greek version of the O.T. lived about 100 AD, 132, 135, 139.

Arabia, female kinship in, 62, 415, 460ff.

Arable version,—see Versions.

Asia Minor, Matriarchy in 62, 193f, 458f.

Assam, heads of tribe in, not exogamous, 440.

Assyria, dignity of early women in, 455.

Athene cited to maintain male kinship, 491, 510.

Athens, incest law of, 470.

Atonement of Christ dishonored, 456, 735ff.

Augustine, Bishop, of Hippo, Latin ch. Father, b. in Numidia, Africa, 354 A.D., a famous theologian; d. in Hippo, 430, A.D., many of his works still extant—the most famous, his confessions, and “De Civitate Dei,”—The City of God, 144adn, 685.

Augustus Caesar, has no contemporary biographer, 505.

Australian blacks. Capture of bride among, 428; symbolic capture, 432; female kinship among, 473; perils of beautiful maidens among, 485.

Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock), noted scientist and author, b. 1834, 53, 433, 435.

Ba’al” marriage explained, 416; among Hebrews, Arabians and Armenians, 415f.

Babylonia, dignity of early woman of, 455, 457.

Bachofen, cited or quoted, 53, 419f, 422, 434, 449.

Bahr, Dr. Karl C., W.F.D.D., Ministerial Counselor at Carlsruhe; author commentary on Kings, 659.

Balak, Papyrus of, quoted on dignity of mother, 453.

Barrenness of women, may be of divine ordering, of Sarah, 524; of Rebekah and Rachel, 525; of Samson’s mother, 526; of Hannah, 526; of Elisabeth, 527. Beard, Rev. Charles, English, Unitarian clergyman, lived 1827-1888; author several books, the most important being his Hibbert lectures, 154, 173.

Beautiful maidens, perils among Australian blacks, 485.

Beena” marriage explained, 417; “beena” marriage of Jacob, 462, 463.

Beet, Rev. Joseph Agar, D. D., b. Sheffield, England, 1840; theological writer and lecturer, 234, 237.

Behman (also spelled Boehme), Jacob, a German mystic philosopher, b. 1575, 33.

Bengel, Johann Albrecht, eminent Lutheran theologian; b. 1687: editor Greek N. T.; author of highly valued works, notably notes on N. T., 75, 94.

Ben Sira, 87, 87n, 88.

Beruria, a Jewish lady, 335.

Be’ulah,” subject wife. 415

Bible, inspired, infallible, inviolable, 2; manuscripts of, copied with great care, 3; what mistakes may occur in reading its text, 7, 9. 2:15, and Rev. 12, 342.

Bigham, Sir John, on adultery in men, 572.

Birth-control,” modern, contrasted with God’s control, 527adn.

Bloomfield, S. T., D. D., English divine and scholar, b. 1790; editor of Greek Lexicon to N. T.; author of Greek Testament Commentary, 328.

Breasted, J. H. on Egyptian women, 454.

Bohairic Version. See Versions.

Briggs, Charles Augustus, D. D., Prof. Hebrew, and later of Biblical theology, Union Theological Seminary, b. 1841—d. 1913. See Francis Brown.

Brown, Dr. David, member Revision Company for N. T.; joint author with Jamieson and Faussett, see Jamieson, 148, 235, 643.

Brown, Francis, Prof. At Union Theological Seminary. Profs. Brown, Briggs and Driver (see Driver) have together edited the most recent and comprehensive Lexicon we have of the Hebrew language, 121. Browne, Bishop Edw’d Harold, Orientalist and Theologian, b. 1811; d. 1891; Author of many books, 107.

Bruce, Prof. A. B. on the Virgin Birth, 513.

Bruise” of Gen. 5:15, of uncertain meaning, 116ff.

Buddha—see Sakya Muni.

Buddhism, not a historical religion, 504.

Burgon, Rev. John William, B. D., Dean of Chichester, b. in Smyrna 1813—d. 1888. Eminent scholar and critic; thoroughly versed in the writings of the church fathers; critic of the Revised Version, 255n, 260, 675ff, 686, 693.

Burial of Christ, Important testimony of women regarding, 751, 764ff.

Burrus, Roman keeper of St. Paul, 310f, 313. Butler, Bishop Joseph, of England, b. 1692; d. 1752, his most important work, “the Analogy of Religion to the Constitution and Course of Nature,” 376.

Cain: how he secured his wife, 24; renounces Jehovah, 161f; descendants originate polygamy, 439, 486.

Cainites did not worship Jehovah, 160ff.

Calvin, John. After Luther, the greatest of Protestant reformers. b. in France 1509—d. 1564; chief labors in Geneva, Switzerland; author many books and commentaries, 108, 346, 703.

Canaan, 467ff.

Capture of the bride, symbolic, 425ff; real capture, 156ff, 428, 466; Moses’ treatment of women war captives, 587; Sisera seeks women captives, 645ff.

Celts, exogamy among, 431; female kinship among, 473.

Chaldee Paraphrase. See Targum.

Chatham, Earl of, (William Pitt,) a great statesman and orator, b. 1708—d. 1778, 19.

Cha-kam,” biased rendering of, 620.

Cha-yil,” biased rendering of 624ff.

Childbearing has nothing to do with spiritual salvation, 343. “The childbearing,” meaning in 1 Timothy, 827.

Childbirth, separation after, 573f.

Childless wife under Hammurabi’s Code, 537.

Children of the devil, 73, 815.

China, Women of; foot binding, 481; taught to procure concubines, 535n.

Chora, choree,” their meaning, 699f.

Christ. See Jesus Christ.

Christians, early, refused to fight, 403n.

Church, silences women as it becomes paganized, 790.

Chrysostom, John, a prominent Ch. Father, Greek, b. Antioch, Syria, A. D. 350—d. 407 A. D. 94, 196, 241, 328, 642.

Church at Rome, in Paul’s prison, 312; martyred, 314ff, 709.

Church,” a term which applies also to Israel, 780.

Circassian wedding described, 426.

Circumcision, its meaning, 531; entrance door for males into covenant, 532; not required of females, 531ff.

Clarke, Rev. Adam, LL.D., eminent Methodist minister and scholar, b. in Ireland—d. 1832; particularly distinguished as a Bible Commentator, 4n, 108, 188n, 234, 621, 713.

Clement of Alexandria, eminent ch. father, b. at Athens A. D. 150 (?)—d. 220 (about). 251, 254, 257, 266.

Clement of Rome, bishop of Rome from A. D. 67; an apostolic father; some hold that Paul mentions him in Phil. 4:3, 144adn, 322.

Code of Hammurabi, See Hammurabi.

Collective nouns, why feminine, 64.

Coming, Second, of Christ, 50, 824.

Compromise, Ecclesiastical, under Constantine, 790.

Conception, Virginal, 506; Mary’s testimony to, 747.

Conception,” of Gen. 3:16, a mistranslation, 120f.

Consonants, their value in Hebrew, 9ff, 120.

Constantine, the first professed Christian Emperor of Rome, b. 272 A. D. —d. 337, 790.

Continence, Sophistical “gift of,” for men, 702ff.

Conybeare, Rev. W. J., b. 1815—d. 1857. Principal of the Collegiate Institute, Liverpool, England, Joint author with Canon Howson of a valuable Life of St. Paul, 244, 312f, 328, 366.

Coptic Version, see Versions.

Corinth, doubtful teachings about Christian women of, 226ff; the real situation there, 192ff, 204, 266; very wicked city, 709.

Council of Laodicea, 244, 673.

Coverdale, Miles, English bishop; b. 1487; translated the Bible into English, published 1535; also edited the Cranmer, or “great Bible,” 143.

Cranmer, Thomas, whose name is given to the above mentioned Bible, b. 1489: Archbishop of Canterbery killed for His Protestant faith in 1556. 143

Cross, Seven Words of, as testified by women, 750.

Crucifixion, women’s testimony to events of, 749ff.

Cruden, Alexander, M. A., b. 1701 in Aberdeen, Scotland; author of Cruden’s Concordance, 234.

Cruelty practiced to maintain male kinship, 483, 484, 489.

Crusades, The, 718.

Curse” of Woman, its cruelty and source, 98ff, rabbinical, not Scriptural, 105f, 113, 723, 829.

Cursives explained, 676.

Cush” same as Ethiopia, 468.

Cutting Instruments” made by Tubal-Cain, 55, 156, 439, 446.

Darwin, Charles, F. R. S., an eminent English naturalist and geologist, b. in Shrewsbury 1809—d. 1882; author of many books. From his name is derived the other title for evolution. —“Darwinism,” but this theory is much more radical and extensive than were his teachings, 24adn, 55, 421.

“Daughter,” sometimes used in Hebrew for town or city, 64, 468.

“Daughters of Joseph,” 607ff.

“Daughters of men,” 158 ff.

Daughter of Caleb, her wealth, 613f.

Daughters of Zelophehad, 609f.

Dawson, Sir John William, LL. D., distinguished geologist and extensive writer; b. 1820 in Nova Scotia. —d. 1899; educated at Edinburgh, principal McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 158ff, 445.

Days of Mingling. See “Mingling.”

Deaconesses, 365f.

“Death” and “Life,” first use of terms spiritual, 97.

Deborah, l149, 199, 645ff, 778.

Deccan, capture of bride in, 428, symbolic capture, 432.

Deissmann, Adolph, Prof. N. T. Exegesis, University of Berlin, 5.

Delitzsch, Franz; b. 1813—d. 1890; Prof. Theology at Leipzig, --see Keil, 83, 108, 645.

“Desire,” (Gen. 3:16). —a corrupt rendering, 102ff; correct sense demonstrated, 124-145.

Devil, children of the, 73, 815.

Dillmann, August, D. D., Prof. Of Theology, Berlin 108.

Dinah, a female judge, 61, 61n.

Dixon, Rev. A. C., D. D., an eminent American Baptist minister; b. N. Carolina 1854; pastor Metropolitan (Spurgeon’s) Tabernacle, London, later, pastor of Univ. Baptist Church; Baltimore, Md., 56.

Dobschutz, Ernest Von, Prof. At Halle in N.T. Exegesis; b. 1870, 226f, 266.

Driver, S. R., D. D., Regius Prof. Hebrew at Oxford; member of the O. T. Revision Company; joint editor with Brown and Briggs, 108. See Francis Brown. 108.

Duchess of Suffolk, declared no kin to her child, 63, 490.

“Duty of marriage,”—its meaning perverted, 603ff, 710.

Ecclesiasticus. See Ben Sira.

Edersheim, Rev. Alfred, D. D., lecturer on the Septuagint at Oxford; b. in Vienna, 1825—d. 1889; of Jewish extraction, converted in adult life; principal work, a life of Christ, 243, 335.

Edward VI, King of England, 1547-1553, 63, 490; works, 53, 435.

Egypt, female kinship in 62, 449, 615.

Eleazer, (See Rabbi), 202.

Elect of God, will be avenged, 404.

Eli, sons of, 654, 666ff.

Elizabeth, reason of her barrenness, 527.

Ellicott, Charles John, b. 1820, bishop of Gloucester and Bristol; chairman of Revision Company for N. T.; author of several commentaries; editor of Bible Commentaries bearing his name, 38, 237, 339, 365.

Endogamy described, 424ff.

Ephesus. Enmity against Christians in 324.

Epiphanius, Bishop of Constantia, Cyprus, 144adn.

“Episemos,” how interpreted, 642.

Esau, 70, 411, 835f.

Eve, repents, 68ff; believes in coming Christ, 77ff; her traducers, 82ff; other references to her, 30, 34f, 37, 39ff, 90ff; no evidence of expulsion from the Garden, 95ff; God’s warning to her, 124ff, 164; 489; her immaturity when she ate the forbidden fruit, 326, 338; first speaks the name “Jehovah,” 79, 81; first woman to reverse God’s marriage law, 123; her “turning,” 124ff, 797; import of her name, 464; date of her day, 519; women not subordinate from her time, 456, 779; not subordinated by God to Adam, 418; matriarchate dates from her time, 456; first to discover kinship, 477; men her offspring too, 829; her sin atoned for, 241, 732ff, 830; women not fated to inherit her promise, 833f.

Evolution,—its theory of progress degrading to women, 422; contrasted with teaching of the Bible, 442ff; rejects early chapters of Genesis, 441.

Exogamy, described and defined by McLennan, 429, 430; his theory of its origin not accepted, 430; existence among many peoples, 431f; preceded by capture, 434; related to scarcity of women, 436; comments on by McLennan and Robertson Smith and theory of origin by Plutarch, Tylor, Morgan, 435; its origin in polygyny, 436, 440, 445.

Farrar, Frederick William, Archdeacon, Dean of Canterbury; b. in Bombay 1831, d. 1903; voluminous writer, 86, 322, 374.

Faussett, A. R., A. M. b. 1821, in Ireland. See David Brown.

Female kinship, established by God’s marriage law, 55, 156f, not derived from polyandry, 422; dates from creation, 439; advantages to human family, 45, 444; a primal Divine social law, 473; among Semites, 474, 474adn; protects woman’s dignity, 473; sustained by birth of Christ, 491, 511; opposed by Satan, 497. See also Matriarchate.

“Final Authority,” remarks on, 368f.

Fissiparous reproduction, 40.

Flood, the, 465.

“Folklore,” Genesis is not, 22.

Foreign women in Israel, 532.

“Formed” does not mean “created,” 30, 338.

Frazer, James George; Folklore writer; b. 1854 in Glasgow.

French, early symbolic capture of bride among, 434.

Fronmuller quoted, 111.

Fuller, Nicholas, eminent Orientalist, b. in England, 15557—d. 1622, 128.

Gabriel’s appearance to Virgin Mary, 747.

Galilee, women of; names of some, 742; not self-interested disciples, 744; Christ’s most important witnesses, 745; to what they testified, 750ff.

Geddes, Prof. Patrick, Scotch biologist, Prof. Of Botany, b. 1854. See Thomson.

Gemmiparous reproduction, 40.

Genealogy of Jesus Christ, 498.

Genesis, not folklore, 22; early chapters of importance to women, 22; Moses wrote the book, 27.

Gesenius, Friedrick Heinrich Willhelm, b. 1805—d. 1845; Prof. at Halle; famous author of works on Hebrew; his Lexicon is the basis of all Hebrew lexicons since; strongly tinged with rationalism, 34.

Gezer, always the property of Solomon’s wife and her heirs, 615.

Gibson, Rev. John Monroe, D. D., b. in Scotland 1838, --d. 1922, Presbyterian minister; activities in Canada, Chicago, London; author of many books, 83.

“Gift of continence,” absurd claims, 702ff, 711.

Gilead, the sister of, very rich, 611f.

Ginsburg, Dr. Christian, eminent rabbinical scholar; b. in Poland, 1830; member Revision Committee of O. T., has written many valuable works, 590.

Gizeh Museum testimony to woman’s early dignity, 451.

Gladstone, Hon. Wm. E. on decadence of Greek females, 471.

“Go in unto,”—meaning in Hebrew, 461.

God, neither male nor female, 24 and, 245; His voice always prophetic, 801.

“Good and Evil,” its meaning, 67.

Gordon, Rev. A. J., D. D., prominent Baptist minister, b. in New Hampshire, 1836,—d. 1895, 242.

Gnostics, their teachings, 251ff; perversions of Scripture, 255.

“Great Eagle, The,” of Revelation, 828.

Great Tribulation, The, 813. women should not be “with child” then, 111, 708ff.

Greece, woman’s early dignity in 54, 62, 471.

Greek Text of the N. T., 17.

Greek Versions of the O.T., see Versions.

Grey, Sir George, b. in Ireland; Gov. of S. Australia, New Zealand and Cape Colony, S. Africa, on Australian women, 485.

“Grievous wolves,” prophesied by Paul, 785.

Grotius, Hugo de Groot, a highly celebrated Dutch scholar, jurist and theologian, 328.

Hagar, probably obtained at Sarah’s cost, etc., 535-540; her undeserved suffering, 544f, not an actual concubine, 548n.

“Hagnos,” treatment of the Greek word, 644.

Ham, his home, 467.

Hammurabi, generally conceded to be Amraphel of Gen. 14:1, 448, Code of, 536ff, contrasted with the Code of Moses, 537, 538adn, 586.

Hannah, first uses the name “Messiah,” 81; not subordinate 110; vows a son to the Temple service, 188; not veiled in public worship, 263; reason of her barrenness, 526; sings in the Tabernacle, 781; her descendants inherit her musical talent, 782ff.

Harnach, Adolph, b. 1851; Prof. Theology successively at Leipzig, Glessen, Marburg and Berlin; a voluminous writer, 196, 206n

Harper, William R., Ph. D., Prof. Semitic languages at Yale University; later, president Chicago University, b. 1856—d. 1906. 25, 38.

“Headship” in O.T., 272ff; in N.T., 271, 282ff.

Hebrew language, 5ff, ceased to be spoken, 6; loss of its knowledge by Christians, 16; by Jews, 146n; women should study it, l, 13, 371, etc.

Hebrew text, description of same, 4ff.

“Help meet,” expression explained, 34, 170.

Heman, daughters of, 784.

Hermaphroditism, 24adn, 41.

Herodotus, celebrated Greek historian, b. 484 B. C., 39, 62, 472.

Hershon, Paul Isaac, Dr., author valuable works on the teachings of the Talmud and the Rabbis, published by Bagster, London, 8, 24, 105, 610.

Hervey, Bishop Frederick, b. 1730—d. 1803. Bishop of Derry in 1768 succeeded to earldom at death of brother, 1779—cited, 660.

Hesiod, Greek poet, b. about 800 B. C., 39, 85.

Hexapla, The, by Origen, 132.

Hexateuch, its meaning, 660.

“High,” and “low,” mistranslations, 636f.

Higher Critics, date Tabernacle after Temple, 655 ff; inroads of Higher Criticism, 739.

Hippolytus, a Christian martyr, d. 238. Bishop of the Port of Rome; author of many books, one still extant against heresies of the early Church, 255.

Homer, the Greek poet; born at Smyrna about 1000 B. C., 39, 230, 47l.

Horne, Rev. Thomas Hartwell, D. D., eminent English author, b. 1780—d. 1862. His principal work, still highly valued, is entitled, “Introduction to the Critical Study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures,” quoted, 505.

Horton, Rev. Robert F., D.D. minister Lyndhurst Rd. Chapel, Hampstead, London; b. 1855; author of many books, 50.

Howson, John Saul, Canon; Dean of Chester; b. 1816—d. 1885; joint author with Conybeare. (See Conybeare).

Huldah, the prophetess, 149, 153, 199, 347, 620, 715, 778.

Humility, 378ff; not servility, 378; described by Rev. Andrew Murray, 380f; by William Law, 384; illustrated by child Jesus, 394; must not minister to egotism in another, 413.

“Hupakouo”—its meaning, 300f.

“Hupotasso,”—its meaning, 292 f.

Idolatry forbids female kinship in Isaac’s case, 557.

Image of God, 234f, 245.

Imprisonment of women to enforce male kinship, 481, 484; of women in India, 481; its perils under Rome, 325.

Indians, American, exogamy among, 431; symbolic capture of brides, 432; female kinship among 473.

Indian (East) tribes, exogamy among 431; hill tribes, female kinship in 473.

Irenaeus, a Greek ch. Father, bishop of Lyons, France; b. about 130 A. D., pupil of Polycarp who knew St. John; his book on heresies highly valued, 88, 144adn, 252 f, 256, 258ff.

Irish, ancient, symbolic capture among, 432.

Islands of Pacific, symbolic capture of brides in, 432.

Isaac’s marriage,—traces of female kinship in arrangements for 464, 553ff; idolatry prevents going to bride’s family, 557; not consulted in choice of his wife, 556; takes Rebekah to his mother’s tent, 560.

Jacob, his beena marriage, 462, 463.

Jael, 645, 649ff.

Jair’s inheritance, 611f.

Jamieson, Robert, D.D., joint author with A. R. Faussett and David Brown of commentaries on the Bible, 148, 235.

Japhet, his home, 467.

“Jehovah,” the name originates with Eve, 77ff.

Jerome, a learned Latin Father, b. in Dalmatia about 335—d. at Bethlehem, 420 A. D. A wealthy Roman lady and her daughter, Paula and Eustochia, went with him and supported him out of their means while he translated the Scriptures into Latin. They were most impatient to have this done for their edification. He dedicated several of the books of O. T. to them, and in the Preface declared, “You are competent judges in controversies as to texts upon the original Hebrew; compare it with my translation and see if I have risked a single word.” His version is called the Latin Vulgate, 135, 244adn. See also Versions.

Jerusalem, taken by flying men, 718.

Jesus Christ: His virgin birth, 512ff; charter of rights of female kinship, 510f; most certain personage of human history, 501ff; His genealogy, 498; silence under trial explained, 399f; His demands higher than Moses’, 588; causes women to speak in public, 723; ordination of a woman, 727; His atonement dishonored, 732ff.

Joanna, 742.

Joseph the Blind, a rabbi who flourished about 400 A. D.; a Targum is attributed to him. See Targum.

Joseph’s sons adopted by Jacob, its meaning, 464; his “daughters run over the wall,” 607ff.

Josephus, most celebrated of Jewish historians; b. at Jerusalem, 37 A.D., governor of the two Galilees; active in the Jewish war, time of destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 70; (gives striking historical testimony to the life of Jesus on earth.) 313, 503, 760.

Joshua, jealous for Moses, 212f.

Joshua, Rabbi, his “rib” fable, 42f.

“Jot” and “tittle” described, 4.

Judaizers, certain Jewish teachers, professed Christians, who were bent upon holding the early Christians to the observance of the Oral Law, or traditions of the Jews and to a partial observance of the Mosaic ritual. They appear first in Acts 11 and 13. Throughout his ministry, St. Paul was in conflict with them. They persisted long after Paul’s day in the sects of the Ebionites and Nazarenes, 193f, 201, 203f, 206f, 212f, 346, 352, 362.

Justice, the basic principles of morality, 690.

Kaffirs, exogamy among, 431.

Kalisch, Marcus; b. in Pomerania 1828—d. 1885; English Biblical critic; tutor to the Rothschild family; his great work an uncompleted commentary on the Pentateuch, 153, 347.

Kames, Lord, Henry Home, a Scottish judge, b. 1724—d. 1888, describes a Welsh wedding, 426.

Keil, Johann Karl F.; b. 1807—d. 1888; a Lutheran theologian; joint author with Franz Delitzsch of a commentary, 108—See Delitzsch.

“Kephale,” head, its usage in Greek N. T., 282ff.

Keturah, a second wife, not concubine, 548.

Khonds of Orissa, exogamy among, 43l.

King, L. W., of British Museum; Prof. University of London; b. London, 1869, 457.

Kinship, Eve discovers it, 477; kinship always recognized to men only through women, 475ff; female kinship in Arabia, 460ff; female kinship God’s ordinance, 445; transition to male kinship, 483ff, what injured Christ’s genealogical record, 493ff, 501.

Kling, Friedrick Christian, D. D., b. 1800; Prof. Theology at Marburg, the, at Bonn; later, Dean of Marbach; wrote commentary on the Corinthian Epistles, 234.

“Kosmios,” comment on its rendering, 644.

Knobel, Karl August. Hebrew scholar and Bible commentator, b. 1807—d. 1863; Prof. Theology at Breslau, 108.

Lamech began capture of brides and polygamy, 55, 432, 438, 445.

Lange, John Peter, D. D., Prof. Of Thology at Bonn; b. 1802 in Prussia; editor and part author of a valuable series (24 large volumes) of commentaries on all the books of the Bible and the Apocrypha. “Dr. Lange is undoubtedly one of the ablest and purest divines that Germany ever produced,” 36, 82, 158n, 377, 400, 545, 576, 653, 659.

Language, the Greek, 17. See Hebrew language also.

Laodicean Church Council forbids ordination of women, 244; and approach to altar, 673.

Latin, Old Latin; Vulgate. See Versions.

Law, not an elevating, but restraining power, 565ff; Mosaic law not ideal, 562ff; Oral of Jews,—see Talmud.

Law, William, b. 1686—d. 1761; educated at Cambridge; ordained Ch. England clergyman; forfeited his position by refusing to take an oath of allegiance to George I. Unsurpassed as an accomplished writer, his works made a profound impression; their influence remains to the present time, 32f, 34, 35, 94, 163f, 171, 378, 384f.

“Laying on of hands” by Christ, 727, 795.

“Leaven,” its symbolic meaning, 729ff.

Lecky, W.E.H., a philosopher and writer, b. 1838 in Ireland—d. 1903, wrote valuable books. History of Rationalism and History of European Morals, 317, 319ff

Levirate marriage: Described in Deut. 25:5, a custom peculiar to the Hebrews, --not polyandry, 487.

Lewis, Tayler, L.L.D., Prof. Greek, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y.; b. 1802—d. 1877; author many critical and theological works of high value, 32, 115, 128.

Lexicon, Gesenius’ Hebrew. See Gesenius, 34; Brown, Briggs and Driver’s. See Brown, 121; Schleusner’s Greek-Latin to O. and N. T. See Schleusner, 201, 293.

Lias, Rev. J. J., Prof. St. David’s College, Lampeter, Wales, 236.

Lidda, daughter of Sumerian king, 457.

Lightfoot, John, D.D., Master Catherine Hall, Cambridge, b. 1602—d. 1675; an excellent Hebrew scholar; in Rabbinical knowledge he has had few equals among Christians; author of extensive comments on N. T., 235, 237, 240, 243.

Lightfoot, J. B., bishop of Durham; b. 1828—d. 1889; wrote many valuable commentaries; Member Revision Company for N.T., 364.

Limboos, female kinship among, 473.

Lincoln, Abraham, President USA, b. 1809—assassinated 1865, 503; quoted, 658.

Lordship of male over female, satanic in origin, 167.

Lowth, Robert, English bishop, b. 1710—d. 1787, a highly valued Biblical scholar—see Patrick, 108.

Lubbock. See Avebury.

Luther, Martin, great leader of the Protestant Reformation, b. 1482—d. 1546. His greatest literary work, a translation of the Bible. His writings very extensive, 345, 619m 339f.

“Lying in wait,” marginal reading of Gen. 3:15 accounted for, 116 ff.

Lycians, Mother – kinship among, 62, 472.

Macalister, Stewart, a noted archaeologist; findings at Gezer, 615.

Maine, Sir Henry, L.L.D., b. 1822—d. 1888. Prof. Civil law, Cambridge; then, Prof. Jurisprudence, Oxford; next, Master Trinity Hall, Oxford, 492.

Male kinship due to love of power, 555; cannot be maintained, but on woman’s knowledge, 480f.

Malignity, special, in persecution and martyrdom of women, 777.

Mammalia, parthenogenesis in, 509.

“Man child,” the, of Revelation 12, 811, 819f.

Manipulation of Hebrew consonants unlawful, 9ff.

Maoris of New Zealand, symbolic capture of bride among, 432.

Margoliouth, D. S., Prof. Arabic, Oxford, b. 1858, 139, 151, 654, 664f.

Mark, his mother, 773.

Marriage, God’s law of, and its benefits, 44ff; the relation mutual 111, 302, 714; ceremony not prescribed in Bible, 590; "beena" and sadica marriage the same, 416, 417, 462 ba’al marriage, 416; war for marriage begun by Lamech, 432.

Martyrdom of women—316f, 321ff.

Mary, Magdalene, 51, 74, 76, 81, 742f, 749, 751, 754ff, 761ff, etc.; Mother of Jesus, 74,76,743,etc.; See Virgin Mary. Mother of James and Joses, 742ff, 749, 751, 754ff, 751ff.

Massoretic text of O. T., 28.

Matriarch, the term an exaggeration, 53, 421, 458.

Matriarchate, matriarchy, 53ff, 194; described, 419f; dates from Eve, 456; in all regions settled by sons of Noah, 469; in Europe, 469; in the Bible, 553 ff. See also Female Kinship.

Matthew’s Bible. In 1537 an English Bible appeared, dedicated to the King, the author’s name being given as Thomas Matthew, but no scholar by that name could be found. Undisputed tradition connects the Bible with John Rogers, the Smithfield martyr (see Rogers), who had reason to conceal his identity, 143.

Maurice, John F. D., Anglican clergyman and author; Prof. Moral Philosophy at Cambridge, b. 1805—d. 1882, 265.

McLennan, John Ferguson, Scottish social philosopher, b. Inverness, 1827—d. 1881. Principal works, “Primitive Marriage,” and “Studies in Ancient History.” Cited or quoted, 53f, 57, 419, 425, 433f, 444, 449, 460, 462, 471f, 475, 483f, 486ff, 489, 491, 492.

“Mean” and “great,” mistranslations, 634f.

Meekness, is not weakness, 396, 378; leads to tribulation, 398f; no reward for it now, 398; a badge of royalty, 400; due to repose in God as King, 400; requires great balance of character, 402f; a great revolutionary power, 403.

Mill, John Stuart, eminent English philosopher and economist, b. 1806. Every woman should be well acquainted with his book, The Subjection of Women, 250, 307.

“Mingling, the days of,” 86ff, 118, 151, 154, 158.

Milton quoted, 360.

Miriam, 153, 199, 280, 347, 778, 780.

Mishna—See Talmud.

Mistranslations because of sex-bias, 364, 367ff, 616ff.

Mistreatment of Roman female prisoners, 325.

Mitchell, H. G., Prof. of Hebrew and O. T. Exegesis, Tufts College; formerly at Boston University, b. 1846; author of many books; of late, rationalistic critic, 137.

Mizraim, 468.

Mongolians, symbolic capture of bride among, 432.

Monogamy, God’s original creation, 439; Bachofen’s theory concerning, untenable, 420; the primitive form of marriage, 422.

Morgan, Rev. G. Campbell; Congregationalist minister; b. in England 1863, 20.

Mosaic laws not ideal, 562ff; about women, 563, 572ff; suited to people emerging from slavery, 571f.

Moses wrote the Pentateuch, 29; prophesied Pentecost, 213; veiled before the people, 229; appoints “heads,” 280f; his meekness, 400.

Mother, not a parent in British law, 490; of Samson’s, her barrenness, 526f; of Mark, her house the first church, 773; of Zebedee’s children—Salome, 742, 761.

Mother-kinship, see Matriarchy and Female Kinship.

Moulton, J. H., Prof. Hellenistic Greek, Victoria University, Manchester, Eng. Author of valuable works on N. T. Greek; now deceased. 274, 374.

Murray, Rev. Andrew, son of a Scotch minister who went to South Africa, and married a woman of Huguenot extraction. Andrew was the second son of a very large family who have had an immense influence for good in that part of the world, and most gifted of them all; has written many religious books; d. 1917; quoted 380f, 387.

Mutilation of Scripture because of sex bias, 674.

Mutterrecht, see Matriarchate.

Myer on the early dignity of Egyptian women, 453.

Nahor marries his niece, 474. Asia Minor, 419ff, 459.

Nephilim, 158, 162.

Nero, Rome’s most wicked and cruel Emperor, b. 37—d. 68 A. D. by his own hand, 310ff, 322ff, 777.

Neronian persecutions, 314ff, 321ff, 338, 790.

Neumann, Prof. Karl J., b. 1857, Prof., Ancient History at Strasburg, 325.

Nicon, a monk who preached in Armenia; d. about 998, A. D., 685.

Nineveh, interesting discoveries at, 448.

Noah, 448, 466.

Noah-im, “exactors,” rendered na-shim, “woman,” 621.

Object, of these Lessons, 1.

Old Latin Version. See Versions.

Old Testament text, 5ff. See Hebrew language and Hebrew text.

“Onah,” its meaning, 604.

Onkelos, a native of Babylon, contemporary with Gamaliel (Acts 5:34), author of the most highly esteemed of the Targum (see Targum), also called the Chaldee Paraphrase, 134, 139.

Option affects translation, 620ff.

Oral Law—see Talmud, 201, 206, 208, 215, 243, 317.

Orestes, 491, 510.

Origen, a remarkable, learned, eloquent Ch. Father, son of the martyr Leonides of Alexandria, b. 186—d. 253 A. D., at Tyre. Lived after 231 at Caesarea, Palestine; most extensive work, his Hexapla, (See par. 132), 16, 144adn, 196, 251, 257f, 261.

Orr, Prof. James, Scottish theologian, Prof. Apologetics and Theology, Glasgow College. B. 1844—d. 1913, 512ff, 662.

Pandora Myth, 85, 118.

Pagnino (Latin, Pagninus), b. Italy 1470 Oriental Scholar; Dominican monk at Lyons, France; produced a Latin version of the Bible in 1528; a Hebrew Latin Dictionary in 1529, 143f, 145.

Paraphrase, Chaldee—See Onkelos.

Parent; Mother not a parent in British law, 490.

Patrick, Simon, bishop of Ely; b. 1626—d. 1707; wrote a paraphrase of Bible; several devotional works; began a commentary on O. T. which was finished by Lowth (see Lowth), to which Dr. Whitby’s comments on the N. T. were added, and Arnald’s on the Apocrypha, 108, 702.

Paul, the Apostle; at first Saul, the persecutor. 189-250, 262-271, 284, 291, 296ff, 304, 306-316, 320-362, 364-371, 417, 564f, 641, 708, 713, 721f, 723, 730f, 774, 777, 785, 791, 825, 832.

Payne-Smith, Robert; b. 1818—d. 1895, Regius Prof. Divinity of Oxford, Canon until Dean of Canterbury; member of O. T. Revision Company; his greatest work a very large Syriac Lexicon; author of Genesis in Ellicott’s Commentaries (see Ellicott), 14, 38, 79, 82, 172f, 372, 500, 612, 614, 730, 782ff, 807.

Pelagia—see St. Pelagia.

Pentecost, attendance of women at provided for, 789.

“Pericope de Adultera,” treatment of, 674ff.

Perversions of Scriptures by Gnostics—see Gnostics.

Perils of beautiful maidens, 485.

Persis, a Christian woman of Rome, 297.

Peters, John P., D. D., American Episcopal clergyman; b. 1852; Babylonia explorer and Prof. Hebrew Univ. Pennsylvania, 57.

Peshitto, see Syriac Version.

Petrie, Wm. Matthew Flinders, D.C.L., English Egyptologist, b. 1853; founded British School of Archaeology in Egypt; Edwards Prof. Egyptology, University College, London; has made notable discoveries by his researches and excavations, 58-61.

Pharaoh, 59, 530n, 534, 542, 546, 615.

Phoebe, deaconess of Ch. At Cenchrea, eastern harbor of Corinth, 364ff.

Philo Judaeus, a Greek philosopher, born at Alexandria, lived between 20 B. C. and 50 A. D. A highly allegorical interpreter of the O. T. Scriptures; believer in Platonism, 144adn.

Phoenicia, female kinship in, 62, 469.

Phrygia, dignity of woman in, 459.

Pierson, Arthur T., D. D. American Presbyterian minister; b. 1839—d. 1911; at different times pastor of Ch. in Philadelphia; of Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, and of Christ Church, London extensive writer and preacher, 65.

Pliny the Younger, b. 62 A. D. In 103, he became governor of Bithynia and wrote a famous letter to Trajan, the Emperor, which testified to the good character of Christians who were being persecuted, inquiring what sort of testimony should be received against them, 503.

Plutarch, an eminent Greek philosopher and the greatest pagan biographer of antiquity, b. about 50 A. D., 320.

Polyandry, not the original social state, 422, 436, 442f, 486.

Polygamy, 439; in the O. T., 589ff; confused with remarriage of widowers, 595f; Moses could not exterminate it by law, 597.

Polygyny (plurality of wives), led to exogamy, 436, 445; and then to male kinship, 443, 486.

Poole, Rev. Matthew, learned English non-conformist minister, b. about 1624—d. 1679; wrote very valued critical notes and other works on the Bible, 108.

Pope, Alexander, poet, b. in London, 1688—d. 1744, 165.

“Power”—its misinterpretation to the opposite sense in I. Cor. 11:10, 217ff, 248, 251, 641.

Prediction, Scriptural, 799.

Prejudice, sex, hinders Lord’s second coming, 791.

Pride, contrasted with humility, 384.

Primal social law established female kinship, 464, 473.

Priscilla, Paul’s fellow-laborer, 192f, her ability, 195, an “official evangelist and teacher,” 196, escapes martyrdom at Rome, 297, 323, 337.

Prisoners, female, under Rome, 325.

Pregnant nature of prophecy explained, 801.

Progeny, a blessing or a curse according to quality, 523.

Promises and prophecies of God not fate, 414, 833f.

Prophecy, its nature, 799ff.

Prophesy, what the verb means, 778.

Psalms, two sung by women, 782.

Queen mother, 62.

Rabbi and Rabbinism, Rabbi means “my teacher” (Matt. 23:8); Rabboni means the same, but is a more honorable title. None of the prophets or doctors of the law received this title until the time of Hillel and Shammai, leaders of the two rival branches of rabbinical teaching. Hilel b. Babylon 1100 B.C.—d. at the extreme age of 120. Allowing for variations in chronological reckoning, he might with bare possibility have been among the doctors who disputed with the child Jesus (Luke 2:41-47). Hillel was father to Simeon, with whom some identify Simeon of Luke 2:25. Gamaliel (Acts 5:34) was Simeon’s son, and one of seven men only who bore the higher title, Rabban. The highest title among the Babylonian Jews was Rab or Rav. Abba Arika of Sura, highest of all, was known simply as Rab or Rav (see Rav). As he was head of rabbinism at Babylon, so was Rabbi Jehudah the Holy of Palestine. Some of these rabbis (or rabbins, as the word is often written), led holy lives, and their teaching was exalted; others did not, and their teaching was corrupted—especially as regards women. Rabbi Jehudah the Holy, publisher of the Mishna (see Talmud), was almost deified by his followers. Rabbis quoted or referred to—8, 16, 18, 24, 42, 146, 151, 202, 208, 291, 300, 335, 346f, 352, 603, 606, 666, 668, 678, 735, and elsewhere.

Rachel, reason of her barren state, 525f.

Ramsay, Sir W. M., Prof. Univ. Aberdeen; b. in Glasgow 1851; widely known for researches in history of early Ch. in Asia Minor; extensive writer, especially about St. Paul, his epistles and journeys, 62, 193f, 205, 220, 239, 315f, 321, 325, 328, 332, 350ff., 362, 458f.

Rationalism. Its inroads, 739 Its inroads, 739ff.

Rav, Head of the Babylonian rabbis (see Rabbi), 8.

Rebekah, 147; Not veiled (see also note on “Veil), 263, her barren state, 525; God’s anointed, 530, 558ff.

Rebuke, a Christian duty, 386.

“Redeemed” persons in O. T., 579.

Reproduction, fissiparous, 40.

Restraint in marriage, 576.

Resurrection, women important witnesses to events of, 754ff.

“Rib” (Gen. 2:21)—a mistranslation, 38ff.

Rogers, John; formerly a Catholic priest; later prebendary of St. Paul’s, London; burned at the stake for his Protestant faith at Smithfield, 1555; see Matthew, 144.

Roman Church, The—see Church at Rome.

Romanes, Prof. Geo. John, M. A., LL. D., English biologist; b. at Kingston, Canada, 1848—d. 1894. Fullerian Prof. In the royal Institution, London, in 1890; removed to Oxford and founded the Romanes lectureship, quoted, 509.

Romans, symbolic capture of bride among, 427.

“Rosh,” head, usage of the Hebrew word, 276ff.

Royalty exempt from law of exogamy, 440.

Russians, symbolic capture of bride among, 432.

Russian tribes, exogamy among, 431.

Sadica marriage described, 416ff.

Sahidic (Coptic) version, see Versions.

Saint Pelagia, her history, 679; her day, 678.

“Sakya Muni,” also called Gautama and Buddha, name of a celebrated reformer, supposed to be founder of Buddhism, lived before Christ, but date unknown, 594.

Salome, wife of Zebedee, 742, 761.

Samaritan Hebrew text, an ancient Hebrew Pentateuch held by Samaritans, and supposed to have come into their possession before the exile—not to be confounded with a translation of the Hebrew into the Samaritan tongue, known as the Samaritan Version, 616, (See following).

Samaritan Version, see Versions.

Samson’s mother, reason why at first barren, 526f. Wife remains at home, 57.

Samuel, Hannah’s song at his dedication, 781.

Sanhedrin. The supreme council of the Jewish people in the time of Christ, consisted of chief priests, heads of the twenty-four courses into which the priesthood was divided, elders, scribes and lawyers, supposed to number seventy-two. Its meeting on the resurrection morning, 767; its abolition of the trial of jealousy, 698adn.

Sarah, wife of Abraham (see Abraham); God caused her to wander with him, 56, 277n; her independence as to dwelling, 59; Abraham to obey her, 150, 277, 301; not veiled, 263; “Israel” perhaps derived from “Sarah,” 278; ten years younger than Abraham, 519; reason of her barrenness, 524f; lacking in self-respect, 529f; God’s “anointed,” 530, 549; obeyed the law as regards Hagar, 536, 539ff; improvement in character, 539, 546ff; meaning of Sarai and Sarah, 59, 277, 549; exposure in Pharaoh’s court, 534; in Abimelech’s court, 617f; her faith, 552; clears tent of polygamy, 544 ff.

“Sarah’s tent,” explained, 560.

Satan, His lying in wait, 115f; instigator of destruction of female kinship, 599f; his enmity against woman pictured in Rev. 12, 812 ff.

Saul, King of Israel; his wives did not become David’s, 599f.

Saul the persecutor—see Paul.

Savonaroia, a celebrated Italian reformer and pulpit orator; b. 1452—d. 1498; a martyr, 20f, 102.

Sayce, Rev. A. H., D.D., D.Lit., Prof. Assyriology at Oxford, a most able scholar, cited, 62, 455, 591.

Scarcity of women began with Lamech, 438; due to polygamy of men, 445.

Schaff, Philip, D. D., b. in Switzerland 1819—d. 1893; in 1870 became Prof. in Union Theological Seminary, N. Y.; assisted in Bible Revision and edited the great Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, 685.

Schleusner, Johann Friederich, b. in Leipzig, 1759—d. 1831; author of a valuable Latin Lexicon to the Greek-Septuagint Version of the O. T. and one of the N. T., 201, 293.

Scholarship alone cannot interpret Scripture, 13.

Scribes, their great care in copying Manuscripts of the Bible, 3.

Scripture, mutilated by sex prejudice, 663ff, 674.

Scriptural date of Tabernacle, 657; views on polygamy, 589f.

Second Coming, preceded by women preaching, 791ff.

Seduction, Mosaic law against, 582f.

“Seed of woman,” all believers are, 83, 813ff.

Semitic hymns, reverse order of the sexes, 455.

Seneca, an eminent Roman Stoic philosopher, b. in Spain about 5 B. C., 311.

“Separation” of mothers after childbirth, 573f.

Septuagint Greek. See Versions.

“Serpent, the old,” mentioned only once after Genesis, 812.

“Served,” mistranslated, 667, 671.

Servility, a contemptible vice, 378.

“Serving women,” of Tabernacle, 667ff.

Seth, daughters of, seized by Cainites, 439f.

Seven Words of the Cross, the women’s testimony regarding, 750.

Sex bias in translation, 616ff.

“Shall for will,” 74, 127, 273f, 374.

“Shamefacedness,”—its true meaning, 330.

Shechemites Hebraized, 464.

Shechem takes Dinah, 427.

Shem settlement of his descendants, 469.

“Shuph,” its meaning obscure, 115.

Siberians, exogamy among, 431.

Silence of Jesus when being tried, its import, 399ff.

Silence of women, not taught in the O. T., 779; rabbinical, not Scriptural, 201f, 212.

Simon, Richard, an eminent French theologian and critic of profound learning, though rationalistic, b. 1638—d. 1712. 142, 145.

Sins, The first, 13 ff.

Sira, See Ben Sira.

Sisera seeks to capture Israel’s maidens, 55, 645, 647.

Skinner cited, 494.

Smith, see Payne-Smith.

Smith, W. Robertson, Late Adams Professor of Arabic, Cambridge, Eng., b. 1846—d. 1894; extensive author, 53, 57, 278, 415f, 433, 460ff, 464, 474adn, 560.

Smith, William, LL. D., English philologist, b. 1814—d. 1893; has published several kinds of dictionaries, especially a valuable one on the Bible, 173, 179, 188, 263.

Solomon’s Temple, its date, 657.

Solon, an illustrious Athenian legislator, b. about 638 B.C.—d. about 558; he was ranked among the Seven Sages of Greece, 471.

Song of Deborah, 645ff, 653.

“Sons,” a geographical name sometimes, 467, 469.

“Sons of God,” meaning of term in Gen. 6:2, 158ff, and not all men are sons of God, 73, 815.

Sophistry about women veiling, 216ff.

“Sophrosune,” meaning of it, 344, 640.

Spartans, mother-kinship among, 62, 472; capture of bride among, 427.

Speaker’s Commentary, The, on the Bible, in ten vols. by Anglican bishops and clergy and edited by Canon Cook, M. A., 182, 185.

Spencer, Herbert, English philosopher and author on sociology, b. 1829—d. 1903. Denies a primal promiscuity in social life, 55, 421; his theory of origin of exogamy, 435; suggests polygyny as cause of scarcity of woman, 445; denies existence of polyandry among early Hebrews, 487, The Targum of Jonathan.

“Spirit of Infirmity” must be expelled, 796f.

Spurrell, Rev. G. J., author of Notes on Genesis,” cited, 121.

Stanley, Rev. Arthur Penryn, Dean of Westminster, b. 1815—d. 1881, extensive writer and commentator; member of the Revision Committee of the R. V., 130, 158, 221, 234, 241, 248, 388, 390f.

Steele, Mrs. Flora Annie, English author, especially on India, b. 1847, gives light on Sarah, 535.

“Subjection,” meaning of the Greek word, 292, 354ff; not of God, 450.

Subordination of women, not scriptural, 146ff; how brought about, 424ff; not of God, 450.

Suetonius, an eminent Latin historian, b. about 70 A. D., wrote of Jesus Christ, 503.

Suffolk, Duchess of, decreed no kin to her own son, 63, 490.

Suipicius Severus lived 363-410 A. D., an Ecclesiastical historian, 315.

Sumer and Akkad, 62, 457.

Sumerian women, dignity of, 62, 455, 457.

Susanna, one of Christ’s attendants, 742.

Symbolic capture of bride among various people, 432.

Symmachus, See Versions.

Syriac, See Versions.

Tabernacle, Date of the, 657.

Tacitus, a celebrated Roman historian, b. about 50, A. D., 314ff, 503.

Tallith, described, 240f, forbidden to male Christian worshipers, 241, 246.

Talmud and Talmudic. The Talmud is the body of Jewish civil and canonical law. It is composed of two parts, the Mishna and the Gemara, that is, Comments on the Mishna. The comments of the Babylonian Rabbis, added to the Mishna together make the Babylonian Talmud; the Mishna with the comments of Palestinian Rabbis make the Jerusalem Talmud. The latter is a much larger work than the Bible, and The Babylonia Talmud is many times larger than the Jerusalem Talmud. The Talmud has more authority than the Bible to the orthodox Jew, yet as Dr. Edersheim truly says: “It may be fearlessly asserted that, as regards their substance and spirit, there is not a difference, but a total divergence of fundamental principles between Rabbinism and the N. T., so that comparison between them is impossible;” and Dr. Philip Schaff has defined the Talmud as “the O.T. turned against the N.T.” To this source is to be traced the perversions of the sense of other Scripture passages besides Gen. 3:16, (see Rabbi). Cited: 8, 16, 18, 87, 87n, 89, 102, 106, 129, 132, 134, 139, 139n, 145 146n, 202, 243, 335, 503, 603, 610, 683, 692, 829.

Targums were originally oral; the earliest one, Onkelos on the Pentateuch, began to be committed to writing in the 2nd century. This is often called the Chaldee Paraphrase, and is the best of the targums. Ben Uzziel comprises Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the Minor Prophets; published in the 4th century. These two belong to Babylon. Then, there is a Jerusalem targum on the Pentateuch, and Palestinian targums of very uncertain dates attributed to Joseph the Blind on Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, Ruth, Esther, Chronicles, Canticles, Lamentations and Ecclesiastes—books which follow this order in the Hebrew Bible, 134, 139, 140, 145, 146n, 668.

Tartars, symbolic capture of bride among, 427.

Temple of Solomon, its date, 657.

“Ten curses of Eve,” 106, 129, 132, 134, 140, 145.

Tennant, Rev. F. R., Lecturer, Trinity College, Cambridge, 87.

Tertullian, a Latin Ch. Father, 88f, 144adn, 158, 158n, 254, 264ff, 329, 683, 685, 732.

“Teshuqa”—its true meaning, 125, 154.

Testimony concerning Christ, by women, 747, 777; necessity of it passes, 777.

Text, The of O.T., its original state, 5ff; of N.T., not so obscure, 17.

Textual criticism, 9-17.

The “great sign” of Rev. 12, 810ff.

Theodotion, See Versions.

Thirtle, James W., LL. D., D.D., b. 1854 in .England; author of valuable critical works on the O.T.; at present (1923) editor of the London “Christian,” 218.

Thomason, J. A., Regius Prof. Natural History, Aberdeen, Scotland, joint author with Geddes of The Evolution of Sex, 24, 508.

“Three Measures of Meal,” its significance, 729f.

Tiberius, the Emperor, 505.

Tischendorf, L. F. K., eminent German Biblical critic, b. 1815—d. 1874; discoverer of the Sinaitic Code, a Greek manuscript of the Bible of very ancient date; author of books of crucial value, 677.

“Tokens of virginity” explained, 584.

Traditions, alone teach that Eve caused the Fall, 92, Jewish, 201.

Translation always implies some change of sense, 5; a bad translation depresses civilization, 172, 373.

Trial of jealousy,: 538adn, 585f.

Tribulation, The Great, 111, 709, 813.

Trust in women, to maintain male kinship, 480, 488.

“Tryphena and Tryphosa,” 297.

Tubal-Cain makes “cutting instruments,” 55, 156, 439, 446.

Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett, b. in England, 1832, Emeritus Prof. of Anthropology at Oxford, 53, 434f.

Tyndale, or Tindale, William, eminent English reformer and martyr; b. 1480—burned at the stake, 1536; translated the Bible into English, 143.

Uncials explained, 676.

Ur-Nina, an ancient king, 457.

Valentinus, a Gnostic heretic and leader of the Valentinians, see 251-259, 268.

Vanity of Expositors, 234f.

Veil, 236, forbidden to Christian men worshipers, 240f, 245f; permitted to Christian women of Corinth, 243f; ancient women did not veil, 263; history of its general introduction, 263. The Hebrew word translated “vail” (tsaiph) in Gen. 24: 65; 38:14, 19, is from the verb tra’aph, to make double; it means a double or folded thing according to the Brown, Briggs and Driver Hebrew Lexicon. The word means a wrap or shawl rather than a veil, since the latter is never double, 561.

Versions. None inspired like original text, 5. Aethiopic, 131, 139; Aquila’s Greek, 132, 135, 139, 601; Arabic . 133. 135, 139, 474adn, 596, 601; Aramaic—See Syriac; Armenian, 685; Authorized, 2n, 39, 143f, 145, 218, 414n, 668, 673, and elsewhere; Coptic (Sahidic and Bohairic), 131, 139, 256; Cloverdale’s English, 143; Cranmer’s English, 143; Greek—see Aquila’s Septuagint, Symmachus and Theodotion’s.

Latin: Douay, 141, Old, 131, 139; Paginino’s, 142f, 145; Vulgate, 133, 139, 140f, 143, 145, 278, 596, 601; Persian, 601; Revised English, 39, 143f, 145, 260, 645, 675, and elsewhere; Roger’s (Matthew’s), 143; Samaritan, 131, 601, 616; Septuagint Greek, 87, 118, 121, 130ff, 139, 145, 151ff, 154, 198, 212f, 272, 278, 293, 304, 330, 377, 596, 601, 616, 625, 630f, 645, 662ff, 669f; Symmachus’ Greek, 132, 135, 139, 601, Syriac or Aramic, 131, 139, 495adn, 596, 601, 601n, 617n, 630n, 645, 668; Theodotion’s Greek, 132 139, 601; Tyndale’s English, 143; Wycliff’e English, 142.

Virginal birth possible, 506ff, 510.

Virgin birth of Christ, 502, 506, 509ff; belief in it essential, 518; respect of motherhood from, 555; charter of rights of female kinship, 511, Prof. Orr on 512ff.

Virgin Mary, and mother of Jesus, 76, her “purification,” 574; her important testimony in early church, 747; the woman of Rev. 12 not Mary, 818f.

“Virginity, The token of,” explained, 584.

Virgins, Tertullian on veiling of, 266ff.

Voice of God, always prophetic, 801.

Von Dobschutz—see Dobschutz.

“Vowed” persons, 579.

Vowel-signs and vowel-letters, 6, 117.

Vows of women, 173ff.

Vulgate, See versions.

Wall, Wm., English divine, b. 1646—d. 1728; wrote Critical Notes on the O. T. and other works, 16.

War, wars; Early Christians pacifists, 403n, waged to capture women, 55, 156, 439, 446, 466, 587.

Wedding. Ancient Welsh, described, 426; among the Circassians, 426.

Weizsacker, Carl Heinrich, D. D., Prof. Theology, Tubingen; b. 1822—d. 1899; published many theological works, 204.

Wellhausen, Julius; b. 1844; German Oriental and Biblical scholar; Prof. at Gottingen; father of modern Higher Criticism, 78, 657, 659.

Welsh, Symbolic capture of bride among, 426.

Wesley, John; b. 1703—d. 1791; an English clergyman; founder of Methodism, 33.

Westcott, Bishop, 761f, 767.

Westcott and Hort cited, 684.

Westermarek, Edward Alexander, Ph. D., LL. D., Prof. Sociology, University London; b. in Helsingfors, 1862; author of many books, 434.

Weymouth, Richard Francis, M.A., D.Lit. of University College, London; author of a N. T. in Modern Speech, and late editor of The Resultant Greek Testament, 216f, 223, 236, 728.

Whiston, William, eminent English philosopher and theologian, b. 1667—d. 1752; author many books, the best known his translation of Josephus, 584.

“Who shall declare His generation?” meaning of, 492ff, 492adn.

Whyte, Rev. Alexander, D. D., Principal New College Edinburgh; b. 1836; author of many books, 33.

Wiener, Harold M., M. A., LL. B., barrister-at-law of London, author of valuable works opposing the rational criticism of the Bible, 27, 135.

Wife, a childless, must furnish a concubine, in Orient, 535.

Wilberforce, Wm. Albert Basil, D. D. Archdeacon of Westminster, b. 1841—d. 1916, 39.

Winer, George B., an eminent Orientalist, b. 1789—d. 1858. His critical and grammatical works are still highly esteemed and he is often quoted as an authority in his line of investigation and research, 210, 242.

Witness, one not sufficient, 753; of the women from Galilee, 742ff—see Woman and Women.

Wives, Unsubjugated, 146ff.

Woman in the Talmud, 8, 16.

Woman, The, of Rev. 12—not the Church, 816ff.

Woman, The, taken in adultery, 675ff.

Women should study the sacred languages, 1, 13f, 371ff, 447.

Woman, and Women: Origin not from a “rib,” but “side” of Adam, 38ff; God’s marriage law does not separate her from her kin, 45; parents her lifelong “natural protectors,” 46f, 54; her early dignity thus secured, 54ff, 416ff, women originate name and titles of Jesus, 81; all believers the “seed of the woman,” 75f, 83; constituted by God an enemy of Satan, 72, 83, 99; cause of painful childbearing, 99ff, 113; ordinary childbearing has no part in her spiritual salvation, 342f; but “the Childbearing” of Christ has, 343f; “curse of woman” unscriptural, 102, 106, 829; the teaching condones cruelty of wives, 98, 108ff, 121, 829; not silenced by Christ, but caused to speak in public, 723ff; Paul’s words and rulings as to women, 189-215, 216-250, 270f, 291: 306-361; what “subjection” means, 292ff; not same as “obedience,” which is not taught by Paul, 300ff; her so-called “curse” atoned for, 102; to teach otherwise dishonors Christ, 735; penance for Eve’s sin, implies unremoved guilt, 732; chief witnesses as to Crucifixion, 749; and Resurrection, 754; ordained to witness, 770; gave witness in Apostolic times, 774; not subordinated from Eve’s day, 418, 456, 779; nor silenced by Eve’s guilt, 779; warned by God against male kinship, 489; God establishes female kinship to prevent subordination, 46, 55, 422, 443; God did not subordinate women, 450; nor Paul, 248ff, 284ff; women of O. T. who were not subordinate, 146ff; no O. T. “law” subordinates 198ff; the teaching rabbinical, not Scriptural, 201ff; their early ministry in the Gospel, 189f, 774; peril and abuse under Nero, 311ff, 322ff; mistreatment under Roman law, in prison, 325; Paul’s tenderness for women source of ruling for “quietness” 326, 790; ordained as unveiled elders in the early Church, 244; but growing prejudice, 362; their wisdom denounced by Luther, but praised in Scripture, 619; Christ woman’s special Seed, 736; woman the subject of greatest promise in Scripture, 786; her preaching prophesied of and enjoined, 722, 792ff, 325ff; will “compass” man, 412f. Woman not silenced in the Tabernacle or Temple, 781ff; nor in general public even when pleading their “rights,” 199, 609ff; Ancient women “served” as Levites or priests, 151, 654ff; inherited large estates, in early Israel, 609ff; valuation equal with men’s under Mosaic law, 577, in contrast to Hammurabi’s Code, 538adn; protected by trial of jealousy, 585f; how her subordination was accomplished, 424ff; always had knowledge of kinship, 478; alone holds the key to that knowledge, 480; imprisoned and abused to create and maintain male kinship, 481, 484ff, 488; male kinship originates two standards of purity, 482, 484; “sadica” and “ba’al” marriage, 415f; evolution theory dishonors women, 441f; not the mere nurse of man’s seed, 511; their vows 173ff; could vow away children, 188. See further, Eve, Mother-kinship, Subjection, “Curse of Wo-man, Talmud on woman,” etc.

Women of Asia Minor, Akkad, Arabia, etc.—see these countries.

“Word of God,” meaning of expression in N. T., 206, 206n.

Word of God contrasted with evolution, on woman, 442ff.

Wycliffe, John, a noted English reformer; b. 1320—d. 1384; translated with the aid of others, the Latin Vulgate into English, 141. See Versions.

Yochanan ben Zachi, Rabbi, a famous teacher among the Jews, lived in Jerusalem before its fall, and at Jamnia later. Orders discontinuance of “trial of Jealousy,” 698adn.

Zelophehad’s daughters, 199, 609ff.

Zonaras, Johannes, a Byzantine historian and monk of the first half the twelfth century. His principal works, a history of the world, and an exposition of the Apostolic Canons, 673.

See Also