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Carey Grant

Revision as of 10:21, 31 January 2009 by (talk | contribs) (Accolades For Carey Grant)
"A significant quote made by Carey Grant goes here".- Carey Grant

Carey Grant is a Canadian Christian involved in music ministry in Canada.

Carey Grant
  • Opinion articles written by Carey Grant

Carey Grant is a singer/songwriter. His music is poetic and well put together. Listerners will be encouraged, entertained and touched, through his music.

Carey has always wanted to record a CD that would capture a live feel without compromising the message that is timeless. Producer David Rashed, suggested that Carey go back to where he started in his musical journey. The result was a new CD called "Free To Fly". Some songs were inspired by dreams and flowed out quickly. Others were built out of favorite musical ideas. "Free to Fly" is a guitar driven CD that captures the many writing styles of Carey; and features: David Rashed electric and Tommy Detamore on steel guitar.


Media Service

Carey Grant provides the following arts, music or media service.


Carey Grant can be contacted via:

Christian Testimony

Carey Grant became a Christian in 1989. "I first felt the presence of the Lord one night, in a little country church. Six or seven of us had the acoustic guitars goin' and we were singin' some hymnal tunes. As we were singing, I began to feel Jesus' power. This was new to me. The other musicians seemed to be quite comfortable with it all. I watched, I sang and came to place, where I was intoxicated with the Holy Spirit's invisible, supernatural power! Incredible! God is Real!
The more I get to know The Lord, through His Forgiveness and Mercy, I see more clearly that He has become My Greatest Friend." Learn more about steps to peace here.

Media Career Tips

Carey Grant recommends that

How to Help Carey Grant

You can help Carey Grant by supporting his music ministry through prayer. You may also view his videos.

Worth Quoting from Carey Grant

Carey Grant made the following significant quotations:

  • "quote goes here" -Carey Grant , date (Month Day 2009)

Accolades For Carey Grant

People are saying the following about the life and media ministry of Carey Grant.

  • "It was a pleasure hearing Carey sing during the April 12, 2004 Northern Praise Ministries meeting. Carey's heartfelt lyric writing and experienced musical presentation expresses his deep love for our Lord Jesus."
    -- David M.R.D. Spencer, Project Leader for - April 12, 2004

  • "Carey Grant is a GREAT man of God. I have prayed with him for over 15 years. I should know! Our beloved Lord works very powerfully through him!
    -- Fr. Michael Tapajna, Intern

  • "Carey is a Rockin' Blues Guy. He has gone through life changing experiences and come out onto the other side knowing the Holy Spirit's Power ! His music is poetic and well put together. You will be encouraged, entertained and touched through his music.
    -- Michelle Sim,Founder of Northern Praise Ministries, Oakville, Ontario, Canada

"Your sound reminds Me alot of Danny Brooks, its gutsy and from the Heart. It's real and tells it like it is." Teresa. Thank you for the Beautiful Music it has Blessed My Heart. May God continue to use You mightly. We met at Faith Gospel Tabernacle. --Bernadine



Links from other sources about Carey Grant's arts, music or media ministry go here.

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