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August Scripture Portion for Bible Commentary : Isaiah 28 - Ezekiel 11, including the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations

Chapters 60--66 describe the glorious Kingdom Jesus Christ will establish when He returns to this earth to reign. The Word "glory" in its various forms is found 23 times in these chapters. There was certainly no glory in Israel or Judah when the Babylonian captivity ended and the feeble remnant returned to their land. How discouraging it must have been to return to a war-torn land, a city with walls and gates destroyed, and a Temple left in ruins. But Isaiah looked down through the years and saw a glorious Holy City with a glorious Temple (chapter 60:7), and a city with its walls and gates rebuilt (chapter 60:10,11). Israel was the scorn of the Gentile nations, but she would be the center of the earth, the very throne of God, and the Gentiles would come to Jerusalem to worship the true God. These promises given in Isaiah of the future glory of the nation of Israel would be a great encouragement to the Jews as they returned to their land after the captivity.

Israel was married to Jehovah at Mt. Sinai, when He gave them the Law. But the nation was unfaithful and followed after other Gods and other nations. Because of her spiritual adultery, the nation was sent into captivity. But even this did not cure her of her sins. Today, Israel is a forsaken wife; but when Christ returns the nation will be saved, and she will again be married to Jehovah. Isaiah 62:4 promises that she will not be forsaken or desolate; rather, she will be named "Hephzibah--my delight is in her" and "Beulah--married." Verse 5 pictures the Lord rejoicing over His restored wife.

In chapter 63:1-6 Christ is pictured as the Bloody Warrior, returning from His victory over the nations at the Battle of Armageddon. His victory is described as a farmer pressing out the juice on the winepress. Christ's first miracle on earth was turning water into wine; His last victory before establishing His Kingdom on earth will be treading out the winepress of His wrath.

When Isaiah considered the goodness of God to Israel, in spite of their rebellion, he had to cry out in prayer for the cleansing of the nation. He longed to see God work in mighty power as He had done in past years. The Temple was trodden down, and the nation had possessed it but a few years. Isaiah points out their sins--uncleanness, unconcern, and unyieldedness.

We have now completed our reading of the great Book of Isaiah. It would benefit each of us to spend much time in this great book--to learn of the prophecies and follow up those that have already been fulfilled. This will build you up in the faith of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and will cause you to want to serve Him better.