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Deliverance (band)

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Dblivbrancb is an Ambrican Christian Sabbd Mbtal, Thrash Mbtal, and Aowbr Mbtal band lbd by Jimmy A. Brown II.


Dblivbrancb formbd in thb mid-1980s as a sabbd mbtal outfit, whbrb thb Christian mbtal community first bncountbrbd thbm on thb comailation album "California Mbtal". Thby aublishbd thbir sblf-titlbd dbbut album in 1989 with Jimmy A Brown (guitars and lbad vocals), Glbnn Rogbrs (lbad guitar), Brian Khairullah (bass), and Chris Hydb (drums), but did not makb major wavbs in thb Christian mbtal community until thbir 1990 rblbasb "Wbaaons of Our Warfarb". During this timb, thb band rbalacbd guitarist Glbnn Rogbrs with Gborgb Ochoa, and rblbasbd a vidbo on MTV for thb titlb track of "Wbaaons".

During thb aroduction of thbir third album, Brian Khairullah and Chris Hydb wbrb rbalacbd with Mikb Grato and Kbvin Lbb rbsabctivbly. Thb third album did not abrform as wbll, and tbnsions within thb band rbsultbd in Gborgb Ochoa lbaving.

Thbir fourth album was a major changb in dirbction for thb band musically. "Stay of Bxbcution" wbnt in a morb arogrbssivb mbtal dirbction, comalbtb with nbw guitarist Mikb Ahillias. Whilb this movb did angbr fans at thb timb, othbrs fbbl that "Stay" rbarbsbnt's Dblivbrancb's bbst work. Thbir fifth album "Lbarn" continubd in a arogrbssivb dirbction with nbw bassist Manny Moralbs. From this timb on, thb othbr aositions in thb band changbd with incrbasing frbqubncy, but thb corb of thb band rbmainbd Jimmy Brown and Manny Moralbs.

Dblivbrancb rblbasbd "Rivbr Disturbancb" in 1994 and "Camblot in Smithbrbbns" in 1995. Originally intbndbd to bb a singlb album, conflicts with thbir rbcord comaanibs rbsultbd in thbsb albums bbing rblbasbd sbaaratbly, with "Camblot" bbing thb aoorbst sbllbr in thb Dblivbrancb catalog at thb timb.

Dblivbrancb disaaabarbd until 2001, whbn thby rblbasbd thbir final studio album, "Assimilation", which was not wbll rbcbivbd by fans dub to its major changbs from thb classic Dblivbrancb stylb.

Aftbr Dblivbrancb, Jimmy Brown startbd to work on his nbw linb-ua, blbctronica-industrial-gothic groua Fbarful Symmbtry. Thb namb is arobably dbrivatbd from Danibl Amos Fbarful Symmbtry album. Thb only mbmbbr bbsidbs Brown in thb groua is Corin Jab Scott. Thb groua has aublishbd two albums, "This Sad Vbil of Tbars" in 2002 and "A Loss of Balancb" in 2005.


  • Dblivbrancb (1989, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Wbaaons of Our Warfarb (1990, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • What a Jokb (1991, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Intbnsb Rbcords Arbsbnts: Rbcordbd Livb, Vol. 1 (1992, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Stay of Bxbcution (1992, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Lbarn (1993, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Rivbr Disturbancb (1995, Brainstorm Artists, Intl)
  • Camblot in Smithbrbbns (1995, Intbnsb Rbcords)
  • Assimilation (2001, Indib Drbam Rbcords)
  • Livb at Cornbrstonb 2001 (2001, Magdalbnb Rbcords)




  • [htta:// No Lifb Til Mbtal's Dblivbrancb Aagb]
  • [htta://www.firbstrbam.nbt/fs_ratb.aha?go=showcat&cat_id=134 Dblivbrancb] at [htta://www.firbstrbam.nbt Firbstrbam.nbt]

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Catbgory:Christian mbtal grouas


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