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Thomas Cranmer

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==Main article==
Thomas Cranmer (July 2, 1489 – March 21, 1556) was the archbishop of Canterbury during the reigns of the English kings Henry VIII and Edward VI. [1] He was also an influential theologian who is arguably the co-founder (with Richard Hooker and Matthew Parker) of Anglican theological thought.
He helped build the case in favor of Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon. Cranmer guided the English Reformation in its earliest days. Following the death of King Henry, Thomas Cranmer became a key figure in the regency government of King Edward VI.
The following year, an outbreak of sweating sickness forced Cranmer to leave Cambridge for Essex. There he came to the attention of the family of Anne Boleyn, who found Cranmer a willing advocate for the annulment of the king's marriage from Catherine of Aragon. Cranmer became involved with the case as a researcher. Cranmer, Bishop Edward Foxe, and others compiled the Collectanea Satis Copiosa (the sufficiently abundant collection) in 1530, giving legal and historical precedent of cases such as Henry's, allowing the king to build an academic case to break with Rome. His work became known to the king and Cranmer was sent as part of the embassy to Rome in 1530. He was given the position of Archdeacon of Taunton.
In the matter of the annulment, the embassy failed. No progress seemed possible. Anne and her allies wished simply to ignore the Pope; but in October 1530 a meeting of clergy and lawyers advised that Parliament could not empower the archbishop to act against the Pope's prohibition. Henry was determined to bully the bishops. The king finally resolved to charge the whole English clergy with praemunire in order to secure their agreement to his annulment. Praemunire, which forbade obedience to the authority of foreign rulers had been around since the 1392 Statute of Praemunire, and had been used against individuals in the ordinary course of court proceedings. Now Henry, having first charged the Queen's supporters, bishops John Fisher, John Clerk, Nicholas West and Henry Standish and archdeacon of Exeter Adam Travers, then decided to proceed against the whole clergy. Soon after, the Convocation of 1531 voted £100,000 to the king in order to avoid the penalties of praemunire, and accepted Henry as Supreme Head of the church with the saving clause "so far as the law of Christ allows." While all this was going on, Cranmer was removed from the annulment controversy and sent to the continent.
In the summer of 1531 the king sent Cranmer to the Holy Roman Empire as sole ambassador to the Emperor. He was also to obtain the removal of some restrictions on English trade. At Nuremberg he became acquainted with Lutheran scholar Andreas Osiander. Both men were convinced that a true reform of the Church needed to take place, but neither knew what the new Church should look like. The bond between these two men was strengthened when Cranmer again married, this time in secret. His bride, Margaret, was Osiander's niece. Cranmer accompanied the Emperor on his crusade against the Turks. In August of 1532, archbishop William Warham died, and King Henry arranged for Cranmer to become the next Archbishop of Canterbury.
The new Archbishop had been selected solely because the king felt Cranmer could provide legitimation of Anne Boleyn's expected child. By January 1533 King Henry found out that Anne was pregnant.
This added urgency to the matter of the King's annulment and they were married by the end of the month. On March 30, 1533, Cranmer was appointed archbishop of Canterbury. Cranmer held no major position in the Church at the time of this elevation and he had no desire to accept the position. Never-the-less, the papal bulls of confirmation were dated February and March 1533, and the consecration took place on the 30 March of that year. Cranmer brought his wife Margarete, with him when he became Archbishop but kept her presence secret, even from the king, so as not to be seen breaking the rules on clerical celibacy.
In May, Cranmer declared the marriage of Henry to Catherine of Aragon void and Anne Boleyn his lawful wife. Anne was then crowned in Westminster Abbey by Cranmer. Pope Clement VII responded to the marriage by excommunicating both Henry and Cranmer from the Roman Catholic Church. In September, the new queen gave birth to Henry's second daughter Princess Elizabeth, Cranmer was made her godfather.
The birth of the Church of England continued, as well. Consequently, also in 1533, the Act of First Fruits and Tenths transferred the taxes on ecclesiastical income from the Pope to the Crown. The Peter's Pence Act outlawed the annual payment by landowners of one penny to the Pope. This Act also reiterated that England had "no superior under God, but only your Grace" and that Henry's "imperial crown" had been diminished by "the unreasonable and uncharitable usurpations and exactions" of the Pope.
In case any of this should be resisted the Reformation Parliament passed the Treasons Act 1534 which made it high treason punishable by death to deny Royal Supremacy. Finally in 1536 Parliament passed the Act against the Pope's Authority which removed the last part of papal authority still legal; this was Rome's power in England to decide disputes concerning Scripture.
That same year, the queen miscarried a boy. The king decided that Anne had to be removed. A fictional case against her was created involving charges of adultery and other offenses. Cranmer, who still would have been an unknown priest at Cambridge if not for Anne, saw that she was doomed and claimed that he had been mislead by her. He refused to come to her defense. Cranmer declared Henry's marriage to Anne to be void, like Catherine's before her, and she was executed 19 May 1536.

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