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1,194 bytes added, 00:51, 16 February 2009
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*[ Internet Research Using Google Advanced Search]
==Finding Excellent Material Can Create Publicity and Inbound Links to Your Material==
Later in this resource, the importance of inbound links to a webpage and website will be discussed. In addition, the importance of the concept of "link baiting" which is getting free inbound links by creating helpful and/or controversial material.
Uncovering unpleasant facts for a certain segment or segment of a population can create a lot of inbound links. ''' I created an article which received about 4,000 inbound links in a short time using this method. '''
Here are two quotes I wish to share with you:
*"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
*"Most truths are so naked that people feel sorry for them and cover them up, at least a little bit." - Edwin R. Murrow
Exposing unpleasant truths to some people is a time tested method of gaining publicity. It can also make a society better as the work of investigative journalist (muckrackers) attest. In the internet age it can create a lot of inbound links plus put you on the internet map. For example, Matt Drudge put his website on the map by uncovering the Monica Lewinski scandal.
==Increase the Chance of Finding Great Content by Searching Material For Other English Countries==

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