WikiChristian:Senior Editors

From WikiChristian
Revision as of 19:20, 16 September 2015 by Graham grove (talk | contribs)
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This page and its ideas are under construction as Prab and Graham think and pray about getting WikiChristian up and running again. It will be updated within the next 3 or 4 days...

Chief Editors

Prab Tumpati

Graham Grove

Sub-Section Senior Editors

The role of the subsection senior editors is to write original content, monitor other new content and organize the structure of the major areas in WikiChristian. These editors aim to ensure that the content isn't aggressively and offensively written but that it is lovingly and compassionately written. These editors also aim to ensure that the content is written from a perspective of trust in Biblical truth in line with WikiChristian's Statement of Faith.

New Testament Senior Editors

Focus: Books of the New Testament; Major Themes of the New Testament; Life and Teaching of Jesus; Historical Context of the New Testament

Editors Needed

Old Testament Senior Editors

Focus: Books of the Old Testament; Major Themes of the Old Testament; the Patriarchs and the Nation of Ancient Israel; Historical Aspects of the Ancient Near East

Editors Needed

Church History Senior Editors

Focus: Major Trends and Events in Church History; Denominational Formation and Beliefs; Significant Figures in the Spread of Christianity and Work of the Church

Editors Needed

Koine Greek Senior Editors

Focus: Lessons for the Student of Greek; Comprehensive Translation Dictionary

Editors Needed

Biblical Hebrew Editors

Focus: Lessons for the Student of Hebrew; Comprehensive Translation Dictionary

Editors Needed

Christian doctrine and debates and Theology Senior Editors

Focus: Nature and Character of God and his Church; Key Issues of Christian Theology; Different Understandings and Opinions on Major Denominational Doctrines

Editors Needed

Mission and Evangelism Studies

Focus: Christian News; Understanding Other Religions; Connecting with People who have Different Word-Views; Current-day Persecution of Christians; Demographic and Relevant History of Countries and Religions Around the World; Apologetics

Editors Needed

  • Christian Music, particularly focussing on: developing a database of Christian songs and their lyrics and links to youtube videos
  • Bible Commentary
    • Many people will need to be involved in developing a comprehensive Bible commentary, looking at individual verses and whole chapters
    • This work would ideally be overseen by those involved in preaching (e.g. ministers) who can both create a commentary but also give it contemporary relevance

Technical and Programming Editors

Prab Tumpati