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Islam: Jesus

7 bytes added, 03:31, 10 December 2023
Alright, I think I'm getting how it works now
 [[Jesus Christ|Jesus]] in [[Islam]] is seen as the Messiah like in [[Christianity]], but the [[Divinity of Jesus|His divinity]] and the [[Holy Trinity]] is not accepted in Islam.
Muslims believe that Jesus was the final prophet (and the second most important prophet) before [[Muhammad]] who was born of the virgin [[Mary]] and was raised to the heavens because [[God]] didn't want his prophet to be harmed when the Jews planned to arrest him and have him hung on the cross. The mainstream belief of Muslims is that a Jesus look alike was instead arrested and crucified. Some believe [[Judas Iscariot]] was crucified instead of Jesus. There's even some that believe Jesus was crucified but survived the crucifixion and continued preaching until he died naturally in [[India]].

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