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Text:God's Word to Women:Lesson 36

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271. In our last lesson, St. Paul says, "Of a wife the husband is a head," to translate the words exactly. What does he mean? Precisely what we should mean if we said, "The husband is a head of his wife." He does not say in what respect he is a head; he does not say that he always will be a head; and St. Paul no more creates or ordains that headship of the husband, than he ordains or creates the headship of God over Christ, by saying, "The head of Christ is God" (1 Corinthians 11:3). And though he says this latter of Christ, it cannot therefore be lawfully inferred that Christ remains less than God since His ascension, or was inferior to God before His birth.

272. Now we must proceed slowly to study O. T. "headship." Look at the O. T. reference in the margin (the only O. T. reference cited), where these words occur regarding the headship of the husband--Genesis 3:16. The only other place where the husband is said to be the head of the wife, Ephesians 5:23, refers in the margin also to Genesis 3:16 only. No other word can be found throughout the O. T. which seems to support the interpretation that men are to govern their wives. But we have already shown (par. 198) that at Corinth the church used the Septuagint Greek version and would read Genesis 3:16, "Thou art turning away to thy husband, and he will rule over thee,"--the same is true of those addressed in the Epistle to the Ephesians, for Paul's quotations are also from the Septuagint in this letter.

273. Now had we always read, as we should have read, "He will rule over thee," instead of "He shall rule over thee" (pars. 124, 127; all ancient versions testify that the verb is a simple future), ignorant, careless, or dishonest interpreters would not have thought to show that this "rule" was God-ordained. We remember seeing in a religious periodical, when a discussion of enlarging woman's activities in the Church was on, an editorial in opposition, which ended by quoting Genesis 3:16,--"’He shall rule over thee,' Remember, women,--shall, shall, SHALL!"[1]

274. Prof. J. H. Moulton, in his Grammar of N. T. Greek, says: "The use of shall where prophecy is dealing with future time is often particularly unfortunate. I have heard of an intelligent child who struggled for years under perplexity because of the words, ‘Thou shalt deny me thrice.’ It could not therefore be Peter's fault, if Jesus had commanded him! The child’s determinism is probably shared more widely than we think; and a modernized version of many passages like Mark 14:30--e.g., 'you will be renouncing Me three times'--would relieve not a few half-conscious difficulties.” How different women would have felt if, from the beginning, they had read, "he will rule over thee!"

275. We question, then, the correctness of interpreting the words, "But of a wife the husband is a head," as meaning, "Of the wife the husband is the ruler." Genesis 3:16 proves nothing of the sort; it only prophesies what has been only too true,--that ever since Adam fell, his male progeny has sought to subjugate woman: and it is further demonstrable that to the extent that grace works in the heart of the male he loses the love of the pre-eminence and the desire to rule over his wife. In general, Christian husbands do not seek to govern their wives, any more than Christian wives seek to govern their husbands. Then why should fossilized theologians be allowed to drag their antiquated notions across the pages of every Biblical commentary which is published for the use of Christians?

276. We inquire the meaning of the Hebrew word “head” (rosh). It often means "first in order." 1 Chronicles 12:9 renders the word "rosh" as 'first'; and in this sense, at least, man is the head of woman as having been elaborated as a sex first. "Head" is rendered "first" 6 times in the O. T. It is rendered "beginning” 16 times; "chief” 97 times; “company" and "band" 16 times; "captain" 10 times; and "ruler" twice only--in Isaiah 29:10 and Deuteronomy 1:13. As to the first case, no particular reason appears for rendering the word, “rulers," so the Revisers change to "heads." This case, then, we put on one side. The other occurrence of the word is perhaps properly translated "rulers," although the Revisers change to "heads" here also. We will come to a consideration of this latter instance by way of a historical review:

277. When God separated Abraham and Sarah, his half-sister and wife, from their idolatrous relatives (Joshua 24:2-3), and sent them forth with the express object of founding a theocracy through them and their descendants, He virtually ordained Sarah after matriarchal custom, the ruling head of the tribe.[2]

God changed the name of Abram to Abraham because he was to be a father of multitudes (Genesis 17:5). He said the same of Sarah also, ("She shall be a mother of nations"); but He said, additionally, "Rulers of people shall be of her;" and because of this fact her name should be, no longer Sarai, but the locally understood title of a female prince,--Sarah (Genesis 17:15,16). Moreover, in the case of a family dispute, God expressly revealed to Abraham that he was to obey Sarah, in the strong language, "In all that Sarah saith unto thee, hearken unto her voice" (Genesis 21:12, R. V.). Abraham was given no name indicating that he was a prince, therefore Sarah's title was not a reflection from Abraham's glory. Of Abraham God said: "I know that he will command his children and his house after him," but this is the rule of a father, not of a husband over his wife.

278. Furthermore, Prof. Robertson Smith claims that Sarah's name, according to matriarchal custom was handed down to her children as their family name in the word "Israel.” The stem of the word is the same as the sar of Sarah's name. Jacob’s victory when he wrestled with the angel, fulfilled in part the prediction that rulers should come out of Sarah. The Septuagint Greek and the Latin Vulgate read the angels words as, "Thou hast had power with God, and thou shalt prevail with men" (see Genesis 32:28 margin of R. V.), and the original Hebrew words would bear this rendering. Jacob's name was changed to one which means, "prince of God," and what was Sarah but a "prince" of God's own appointment? (pars. 58-60).

279. But later the Israelites became slaves in Egypt, and all, both men and women, subordinates. But woman sinks lower than man under enslavement, the reasons being two, at least: (1) The handicap of children, making her ever easily her husband’s subordinate, if he should take advantage of it for the purpose, acts even more terribly as a means of leveling down her status in slavery. (2) Her moral character suffers violence by the sensuality of masters. We see, then, how God started His theocracy with Sarah in high honor, as the head of the tribe, but when the Israelites emerged from four hundred years of slavery, the women would hold a different relation to their men,--they would be, for the most part, inferior to them. And each added captivity would hamper the progress of the women more than of the men; and Israel passed through many captivities.

280. When Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt, with the aid of Aaron and Miriam (Micah 6:4), he appointed men who were head and shoulders above their fellow men, in wisdom and ability to share his rule over them. This his father-in-law had advised him to do (Exodus 18:21-26). The word used of "men" in this connection might have included women, but it is not at all likely that any beside Miriam would have been equal to the responsibility; and we believe that she already held a higher position than these appointed by Moses.

281. Now we come to the verse we wish to explain: Moses, reciting this incident says: "I took the chief [Hebrews "heads"] of your tribes, wise men, and known, and made them heads [same word, again] over you, captains [that word sar] over thousands," Deuteronomy 1:15. They were ahead already, in ability, and therefore Moses made them "heads," captains in government. So referring to this same incident, Moses says, Deuteronomy 1:13, "I will make them heads," and the word is rendered in the A.V., rulers. This is that single instance in the O. T. where the word "head" necessarily implies ruler, and is therefore so translated. And why were men, at this time made "rulers," over women? For the simple reason that, owing to the ruin of woman's character by slavery, men were ahead of women.

[1] “I think that the author is right in frequently calling attention to the fact the future tense in Hebrew is erroneously rendered in the English by ‘shall’ instead of ‘will.’ The future tense, or aorist, never implies in the Semitic languages a sense of obligation. This remark highly befits the sentence ‘He shall rule over thee’ to which in par. 273 the writer is taking particular exception.”—Dr. A. Mingana.

[2] There is strong textual authority, which some scholars claim amounts to positive proof, for reading, at Genesis 20:13, instead of "God caused me [Abraham] to wander," the more striking sentence, "God caused her [Sarah]to wander," see par. 56, and comments on this verse in "The Samaritan Pentateuch and Modern Criticism," by the Rev. J. Iverach Munro, M.A.

==See Also==
[[God's Word to Women]] |
[[God's Word to Women Table of Contents]] |
[[Foreword to the 1943 Edition]] |
[[Foreword to the 2005 Edition]] |
[[Author's Note]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 1 | Lesson 1]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 2 | Lesson 2]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 3 | Lesson 3]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 4 | Lesson 4]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 5 | Lesson 5]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 6 | Lesson 6]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 7 | Lesson 7]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 8 | Lesson 8]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 9 | Lesson 9]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 10 | Lesson 10]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 11 | Lesson 11]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 12 | Lesson 12]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 13 | Lesson 13]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 14 | Lesson 14]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 15 | Lesson 15]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 16 | Lesson 16]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 17 | Lesson 17]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 18 | Lesson 18]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 19 | Lesson 19]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 20 | Lesson 20]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 21 | Lesson 21]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 22 | Lesson 22]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 23 | Lesson 23]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 24 | Lesson 24]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 25 | Lesson 25]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 26 | Lesson 26]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 27 | Lesson 27]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 28 | Lesson 28]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 29 | Lesson 29]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 30 | Lesson 30]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 31 | Lesson 31]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 32 | Lesson 32]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 33 | Lesson 33]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 34 | Lesson 34]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 35 | Lesson 35]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 36 | Lesson 36]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 37 | Lesson 37]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 38 | Lesson 38]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 39 | Lesson 39]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 40 | Lesson 40]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 41 | Lesson 41]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 42 | Lesson 42]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 43 | Lesson 43]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 44 | Lesson 44]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 45 | Lesson 45]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 46 | Lesson 46]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 47 | Lesson 47]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 48 | Lesson 48]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 49 | Lesson 49]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 50 | Lesson 50]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 51 | Lesson 51]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 52 | Lesson 52]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 53 | Lesson 53]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 54 | Lesson 54]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 55 | Lesson 55]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 56 | Lesson 56]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 57 | Lesson 57]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 58 | Lesson 58]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 59 | Lesson 59]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 60 | Lesson 60]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 61 | Lesson 61]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 62 | Lesson 62]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 63 | Lesson 63]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 64 | Lesson 64]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 65 | Lesson 65]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 66 | Lesson 66]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 67 | Lesson 67]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 68 | Lesson 68]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 69 | Lesson 69]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 70 | Lesson 70]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 71 | Lesson 71]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 72 | Lesson 72]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 73 | Lesson 73]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 74 | Lesson 74]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 75 | Lesson 75]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 76 | Lesson 76]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 77 | Lesson 77]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 78 | Lesson 78]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 79 | Lesson 79]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 80 | Lesson 80]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 81 | Lesson 81]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 82 | Lesson 82]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 83 | Lesson 83]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 84 | Lesson 84]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 85 | Lesson 85]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 86 | Lesson 86]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 87 | Lesson 87]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 88 | Lesson 88]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 89 | Lesson 89]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 90 | Lesson 90]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 91 | Lesson 91]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 92 | Lesson 92]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 93 | Lesson 93]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 94 | Lesson 94]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 95 | Lesson 95]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 96 | Lesson 96]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 97 | Lesson 97]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 98 | Lesson 98]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 99 | Lesson 99]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 100 | Lesson 100]] |
[[Index of Scripture Texts]] |

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