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Essence of Christianity

894 bytes added, 08:01, 21 December 2007
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{{quote | text={{web_verse|1 John|4|10}} [[1 John 4 .-//+++oooooooooo++//-` `://++:-:::::::::::::::::::/ooo+:10]]}}`  [[Image:Cross sunrise `/++/.jpg|thumb|The [[cross]] representing a [[God]] who has redeemed us is central to [[Christianity]]`````.]]''Synopsis:'' [[Christianity]] is about [[God]] reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind:::::::::::::::::::::::/oo+. [[Christian]]s believe that the everything within the universe was [[creation|created]] by God `-/+/. God is a personal being, and by some mystery that we cannot understand, he is three, yet one``````````-::::::::: [[God the Father|Father]], [[Jesus|Son]] and [[Holy Spirit|Spirit]]::::::::::::::::::oo: `. He created people in his image, to [[love]] him://+/-````````````. Yet every person has rebelled against God. But instead of turning his back on us, God the Son, became a man, Jesus, and lived among us, dying because of us - the death that we should have died//////:::::::::::::::::::::::+s+` `s+/:-``````-://///////:::::::::/+++oo/::::::::::::::::::/so- +//////////:. [[Death of Jesus|Jesus was crucified]] on a cross, but [[Resurrection of Jesus|he rose from the dead]], and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to [[repent]] of our rebellion``` `. If we do this, then our relationship with God becomes restored, and God the Spirit lives within us, assuring us of the promise of everlasting life/oo+::::::::::::::::::+s. `:so::::::::::::::::::s+ -os:::::::::::::::::+s` ---s+::::::::::::::::/y` __TOC__ `+s::::::::::::::::/y` {{topics}} /y::::::::::::::::+s * [[God]] | [[Jesus]] +s::::::::::::::::s/ * [[Christian]] h:::::::::::::::::h`* [[Becoming a Christian]] | [[Grace]] oo::::::::::::::::y:* [[Living as a Christian]] | [[Love]] | [[Worship]] +o::::::::::::::::+o s+::::::::::::::::/s{{opinions}} `.--://+++++++++++/::-.` .h:::::::::::::::::/s .-:+o++////:::::::::::::///++o+/-. `y/:::::::::::::::::+s[[Salvation (justforcatholics .org)]]:+o+//::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/+oo/-` `s+::::::::::::::::::+o ./o+/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/+ooy/:::::::::::::::::::o+[[How to be saved (Compass)]] `:o+/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/os+::::::::::::::::::h. `...--.` `.+yo///////::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::os+:::::::::::::::/y [[Essential Christian doctrines (anon)]] -+o++///+oo-:/+o++o+++++++++ooso+//::::///+//::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ss/:::::::::::::y- oo/::::::/oy+//::::::::::::::::::/+osooso+++++oso/::::::::::::::::::::::::/y+:::::::::::s+ ==Main article== +s::::::+s+/:::::::::::::::::::::::::/h+:::::::::/ss/::::::::::::::::::::::::ss:::::::::+s h:::::+s+::::::::::::::::::::::::::::h/:::/osooss/:/h/::::::::::::::::::::::::oy:::::::+s` [[Christianity]] is about [[God]] reaching out his hand in friendship to mankind oo::/yy+/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::s:::oy/::::/y::os:::::::::::::::::::::::::oy:::::+o` `o+oo-. [[Christian]]-h:::::::::::::::/+o++++o+/::::::-d:::::::/::os::::::::::::::::::::::::::ss:::o+ /s believe that the everything within the universe was [[creation|created]] by God`/``d::::::::::::::s/. God is a personal being, and by some mystery that we cannot understand, he is three, yet one` `-/o+:::::so::::::::/y/::::::::::::::: [[God the Father|Father]], [[Jesus|Son]] and [[Holy Spirit|Spirit]]::::::::::::h+/s: . He created people in his image, to [[love]] himy` :`:h::////:::::::y- `. Yet every person has rebelled against God `+s:::::os+/::/+os/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/d+. But instead of turning his back on us, God the Son, became a man, Jesus, and lived among us, dying because of us s/- the death that we should have died:/+so+/////++oo+//h /+ h:::::::+ooooys:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::h- `. [[Death of Jesus|Jesus was crucified]] on a cross, but [[Resurrection of Jesus|he rose from the dead]], and now calls us to trust him, to love him and to [[repent]] of our rebellion/s/:-. If we do this, then our relationship with God becomes restored, and God the Spirit lives within us, assuring us of the promise of everlasting life`````````````-:+y+:.` y/:::::::::::/h:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::o+ .++/.``````````````````````.-/++/.` .h:::::::::::::d:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::+s The good news of Jesus, or the [[gospel]], is summarized in [[1 Corinthians 15]] `/+. This passage is a simple statement that gives a portrait of what the essence of Christianity is ``````````````````````````````- forgiveness through Jesus Christ/++:.:s/::::::::::::-d:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/y `s:````````````````````````````````````-/yo/:::: {{web_verse|1 Corinthians|15|3}}:::::::::h::::::::::::::::::::::so:::::::/s /+`````-o.``````.-/```````````````````````.+s/:: {{web_verse|1 Corinthians|15|4}}:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/h::::::::o+ /+``````-:``````-/.`````````````````````````:h::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/h/::::::::y- ===[[Jesus]]=== o/....--:/:::.``````````````````````````````d::::::::::::::::::::o/:::::::::oy/:::::::::h` -/os/sssd:dNmho/-..``````````````..-::.```-h::::::::::::::::::::/h:::::::/ys::::::::::oo Jesus Christ is the central figure that separates [[Christianity]] from other religions /++m+sNNmmm//ooo+++/:::::/++ooosd:-/. Christians believe that he is both [[God]] and a man; that he created the world and mankind, and that he is alive today`. He was born around the 4 BC and grew up in Judea (current day Palestine) where he taught about God's [[love]] and the [[repentance]] of [[sin]]+:::::::::::::::::::::d:::::/ss/:::::::::::h` `y+:hmmmNo::::::://++d:oy//::+y. ````-s/::::::::::::::::::::::so::+yy/::::::::::::s/ +s:/y+mmNy:::::::::::/oo/:/+s+````-oo::::::/:::::::::::::::::/do+:.h/:::::::::::+o ===[[Becoming a Christian]]=== .h:::y::sdNy/////:::::///+ss+.```-oo::::::::+so:::::::::::::::-d .y/::/+ooo+:oo y+::::y+.`-:/++ooosssooo+/.```.:shooooooooooo+o+o/::::::::::::-d `osso-```-yo To become a [[Christian]], a person must believe in his heart and confesses that [[Jesus Christ]] is [[Lord]] -y::::::+so-````````````````. When he accepts the fact that he has disobeyed [[God]], but also accepts Jesus' death on the cross as punishment for his [[sin]]:++-````````` `/s, that person has become a Christian/:::::::::::h . [[Ephesians 1+++++++:7]] in the [[New Testament]] shows that forgiveness of sins are through Jesus` -ys+oo+: {{web_verse|ephesians|1|7}}:::/oyy+/::-------/++/- /s/+s//++oo+y  There are many biblical passages that show that belief, or faith, in Jesus Christ is what brings life to people :s````-yo+++/:-` `. Faith in Jesus is ultimately what makes a person a Christian. Perhaps the most famous of these verses is [[John 3----:16]]: {{web_verse|john|3|16}} ===[[Living as a Christian]]=== When we become a [[Christian]], we are called to live for [[God]] in every aspect of our lives-. :yo. He brings us into a relationship of [[love]] with him and with other Christians and calls us to live for him fully, obeying him and trusting in him completely````.h:  ==Quotes== ==Links== {{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -////-` ./+++++:
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