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Text:God's Word to Women:Lesson 75

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599. As now rendered into English, 2 Samuel 12:8 seems to give Divine countenance to polygamy, but that is only on superficial reading. Nathan, as translated, says to David: "Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, I anointed thee over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul, and I gave thee thy master's house, and thy master's wives into thy bosom," etc. But Saul's wives did not become David's wives, and hence that comma should not have been placed after "house," and the word should have been translated "women," not "wives.” It is predicated both of the "house" and the "women" that they were given into David's "bosom.” The word might better have been translated "lap" as it is in Proverbs 16:33, instead of "bosom"; it means here simply "possession.” Saul's house and all his female court and domestics passed over into David's possession.

600. Three things prove this. (1) The only two wives Saul had were "Ahinoam, the daughter of Ahimaaz" (1 Samuel 14:50) and mother of Michal (David's wife); and Rizpah (2 Samuel 3:7). The penalty for marrying one's mother-in-law was to be burnt alive, Leviticus 20:14,¾so we may be sure David did not commit that crime. (2) As to Rizpah, David delivered her two sons, after the death of Saul, with five others, to be hanged (crucified) at Gibeah, on the demand of the Gibeonites. This woman has been famous in art, as guarding the seven bodies, for months, from the vultures. It is not credible that David should have treated his own wife thus. [Note: In this account of Rizpah, 2 Samuel 21:8, the other five are spoken of as "the five sons of Michal . . . which she bare Adriel.” It is thought that the word "sister" has been lost out of the text here¾see Margin¾for Adriel was brother-in-law, not the husband of Michal, 1 Samuel 18:19]. (3) David's wives are enumerated several times over (see 2 Samuel 2:2, 3:2-5; 1 Chronicles 3:1-9, etc.), and that after Saul's death, but Saul's wives are never in the list. David, to be sure, had also a wife by the name of Ahinoam, but she is distinguished from Saul's wife as "Ahinoam of Jezreel," and David had her as his wife during Saul's lifetime (1 Samuel 27:3).

601. Please turn to Exodus 21:7-11, and give it careful study as the only passage seeming to provide for polygamy. But studied by a candid mind, in the original, the English translation will appear forced. (1) The expression, "betrothed her to himself,” (8) reads, according to the original Hebrew text, not, "to him (low) betrothed," but "not (loa) betrothed," but the rabbis read "w" for "a" as the vowel-letter, into the word (see par. 6). But the order of the words "to him betrothed" is unusual, and seems strained. "Not betrothed" is the rendering of the Samaritan, Syriac and Persian versions; of many manuscripts of the Greek Septuagint; of the Greek versions of Theodotion, Aquila and Symmachus, and it receives the support of the Latin Vulgate and the Arabic. The teaching is, then, if the master does not betroth the girl, either to himself or to his son, he must let her be redeemed. This is the first error to be corrected in this tangled passage. The rabbis have perverted the sense here.[1]

602. In verse 10 of this passage we find the second mistranslation; "If he take unto him another"¾that is all the phrase says. The translators insert "wife.” Not so; they should have inserted "as wife.” The thought is, "If he take unto himself another woman for his wife, instead of taking this girl,"¾not "If he take unto himself another wife in addition to this girl, who has become his wife.”

603. In verse 10 occurs that expression, "her duty of marriage," which is explained by expositors after the unclean, polygamous manner of the rabbis as referring to intimate matrimonial relations. The single, short Hebrew word, 'onah, translated "duty of marriage," occurs nowhere else in the Hebrew unless it be identical with a word translated "furrows" in Hosea 10:10. It has been the habit, quite too much, of Christian translators to adopt, without question or due investigation, the meaning put upon these ambiguous words which occur but once or twice by the Talmud, or Jewish works based on the teaching of the Talmud. But the Talmud, in some of its teachings, is scarcely above the level of an unclean parody on the Bible; thus some most objectionable expressions have crept into the English Bible, and this is one of them. Then this salacious sense has cast its shadow forward upon the N. T. page at 1 Corinthians 7:3, and a special, sensual sense given to the word "due" there.

604. The noun, 'onah, has been formed upon one of two Hebrew verbs. It is derived either from 'awun "dwell," or from 'anah, "afflict," in that form of the latter verb which means when applied to a woman, "to humble" that is, to outrage her¾the piel form, as it is called. In this sense it is the word found in Deuteronomy 21:14; 22:24,29; Judges 20:5 ("forced"); 2 Samuel 13:12, 14, 22; Lamentations 5:11; Ezekiel 22:10-11. The first verb, 'awun is obsolete, but it has one certain derived noun, monah, which means "dwelling place," in Psalm 76:2, which occurs nine times. The letter "m," when prefixed to a noun, often, as here, signifies "place.” But this "m" does not always occur when it is desired to transform an act into the place where an act is performed. For instance, 'ahal means "to pitch a tent," and 'ohel from the same root, means "tent" or ‘dwelling-place, Psalm 91:10. So here, monah and 'onah could both mean "dwelling place.”

605. There is no connection whatever between that original word, translated "duty of marriage" and any other word from which the idea of "marriage" could be derived. Some would derive the word from 'anah, "to answer.” But this is very far fetched in our opinion. The second verb, "outrage," speaks only of abuse, violence and crime, when connected at all with the idea of the relation of the sexes. Aside from that relation, its general sense is "affliction.” The first word gives no hint of the marriage relation; it simply means "to dwell.”

606. Now the translators cannot amalgamate the two senses, and get cohabitation out of them. They cannot have it both ways, after any such fashion. This noun means "dwelling place," pure and simple, or else it refers to indecent, God-defying wickedness. But what is more forced than to introduce the thought of "duty of marriage" along with a slave's food and clothing? And what is more natural than to mention "shelter" next after food and clothing, when speaking of one's obligations to a dependent? "Food, clothing and shelter" go so naturally together that one could have guessed what was said here, if no derivation could have been found for the word. The truth is, the other sense "duty of marriage," is only required, for this otherwise obsolete, word, because it was the sense desired by the early rabbis. The whole passage, then, should read: "If she please not her master, so that he hath not espoused her, then shall he let her be redeemed. . . . If he take another woman for his wife, her food and clothing and shelter he shall not diminish. And if he do not these three unto her, then she may go out free without money,"¾that is without paying for her freedom. And 1 Corinthians 7:3, cleared of the shadow of this perversion, means "what is due" in a more general sense.

Note by Dr. A.Mingana.

"'Her duty of marriage' is to say the least arbitrary. You should add in this connection that the Syriac version has Mashkiva which means 'place of resting, of sleeping, or of dwelling', and this corroborates your interpretation of the word."

==See Also==
[[God's Word to Women]] |
[[God's Word to Women Table of Contents]] |
[[Foreword to the 1943 Edition]] |
[[Foreword to the 2005 Edition]] |
[[Author's Note]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 1 | Lesson 1]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 2 | Lesson 2]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 3 | Lesson 3]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 4 | Lesson 4]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 5 | Lesson 5]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 6 | Lesson 6]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 7 | Lesson 7]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 8 | Lesson 8]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 9 | Lesson 9]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 10 | Lesson 10]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 11 | Lesson 11]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 12 | Lesson 12]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 13 | Lesson 13]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 14 | Lesson 14]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 15 | Lesson 15]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 16 | Lesson 16]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 17 | Lesson 17]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 18 | Lesson 18]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 19 | Lesson 19]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 20 | Lesson 20]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 21 | Lesson 21]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 22 | Lesson 22]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 23 | Lesson 23]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 24 | Lesson 24]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 25 | Lesson 25]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 26 | Lesson 26]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 27 | Lesson 27]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 28 | Lesson 28]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 29 | Lesson 29]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 30 | Lesson 30]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 31 | Lesson 31]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 32 | Lesson 32]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 33 | Lesson 33]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 34 | Lesson 34]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 35 | Lesson 35]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 36 | Lesson 36]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 37 | Lesson 37]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 38 | Lesson 38]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 39 | Lesson 39]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 40 | Lesson 40]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 41 | Lesson 41]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 42 | Lesson 42]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 43 | Lesson 43]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 44 | Lesson 44]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 45 | Lesson 45]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 46 | Lesson 46]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 47 | Lesson 47]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 48 | Lesson 48]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 49 | Lesson 49]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 50 | Lesson 50]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 51 | Lesson 51]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 52 | Lesson 52]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 53 | Lesson 53]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 54 | Lesson 54]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 55 | Lesson 55]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 56 | Lesson 56]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 57 | Lesson 57]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 58 | Lesson 58]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 59 | Lesson 59]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 60 | Lesson 60]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 61 | Lesson 61]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 62 | Lesson 62]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 63 | Lesson 63]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 64 | Lesson 64]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 65 | Lesson 65]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 66 | Lesson 66]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 67 | Lesson 67]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 68 | Lesson 68]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 69 | Lesson 69]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 70 | Lesson 70]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 71 | Lesson 71]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 72 | Lesson 72]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 73 | Lesson 73]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 74 | Lesson 74]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 75 | Lesson 75]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 76 | Lesson 76]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 77 | Lesson 77]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 78 | Lesson 78]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 79 | Lesson 79]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 80 | Lesson 80]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 81 | Lesson 81]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 82 | Lesson 82]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 83 | Lesson 83]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 84 | Lesson 84]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 85 | Lesson 85]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 86 | Lesson 86]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 87 | Lesson 87]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 88 | Lesson 88]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 89 | Lesson 89]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 90 | Lesson 90]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 91 | Lesson 91]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 92 | Lesson 92]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 93 | Lesson 93]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 94 | Lesson 94]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 95 | Lesson 95]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 96 | Lesson 96]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 97 | Lesson 97]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 98 | Lesson 98]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 99 | Lesson 99]] |
[[God's Word to Women Lesson 100 | Lesson 100]] |
[[Index of Scripture Texts]] |

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