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Copied from Christianity Knowledge Base, Category:Template
| Title = [[Pope]]s of the [[Roman Catholic Church]]
| List = [[Simon Peter|Peter]] &bull; [[Pope Linus|Linus]] &bull; [[Pope Anacletus|Anacletus]] &bull; [[Pope Clement I|Clement I]] &bull; [[Pope Evaristus|Evaristus]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander I|Alexander I]] &bull; [[Pope Sixtus I|Sixtus I]] &bull; [[Pope Telesphorus|Telesphorus]] &bull; [[Pope Hyginus|Hyginus]] &bull; [[Pope Pius I|Pius I]] &bull; [[Pope Anicetus|Anicetus]] &bull; [[Pope Soter|Soter]] &bull; [[Pope Eleuterus|Eleuterus]] &bull; [[Pope Victor I|Victor I]] &bull; [[Pope Zephyrinus|Zephyrinus]] &bull; [[Pope Callixtus I|Callixtus I]] &bull; [[Pope Urban I|Urban I]] &bull; [[Pope Pontian|Pontian]] &bull; [[Pope Anterus|Anterus]] &bull; [[Pope Fabian|Fabian]] &bull; [[Pope Cornelius|Cornelius]] &bull; [[Pope Lucius I|Lucius I]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen I|Stephen I]] &bull; [[Pope Sixtus II|Sixtus II]] &bull; [[Pope Dionysius|Dionysius]] &bull; [[Pope Felix I|Felix I]] &bull; [[Pope Eutychian|Eutychian]] &bull; [[Pope Caius|Caius]] &bull; [[Pope Marcellinus|Marcellinus]] &bull; [[Pope Marcellus I|Marcellus I]] &bull; [[Pope Eusebius|Eusebius]] &bull; [[Pope Miltiades|Miltiades]] &bull; [[Pope Silvester I|Silvester I]] &bull; [[Pope Mark|Mark]] &bull; [[Pope Julius I|Julius I]] &bull; [[Pope Liberius|Liberius]] &bull; [[Pope Damasus I|Damasus I]] &bull; [[Pope Siricius|Siricius]] &bull; [[Pope Anastasius I|Anastasius I]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent I|Innocent I]] &bull; [[Pope Zosimus|Zosimus]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface I|Boniface I]] &bull; [[Pope Celestine I|Celestine I]] &bull; [[Pope Sixtus III|Sixtus III]] &bull; [[Pope Leo I|Leo I]] &bull; [[Pope Hilarius|Hilarius]] &bull; [[Pope Simplicius|Simplicius]] &bull; [[Pope Felix III |Felix III]] &bull; [[Pope Gelasius I|Gelasius I]] &bull; [[Pope Anastasius II|Anastasius II]] &bull; [[Pope Symmachus|Symmachus]] &bull; [[Pope Hormisdas|Hormisdas]] &bull; [[Pope John I|John I]] &bull; [[Pope Felix IV|Felix IV]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface II|Boniface II]] &bull; [[Pope John II|John II]] &bull; [[Pope Agapetus I|Agapetus I]] &bull; [[Pope Silverius|Silverius]] &bull; [[Pope Vigilius|Vigilius]] &bull; [[Pope Pelagius I|Pelagius I]] &bull; [[Pope John III|John III]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict I|Benedict I]] &bull; [[Pope Pelagius II|Pelagius II]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory I|Gregory I]] &bull; [[Pope Sabinian|Sabinian]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface III|Boniface III]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface IV|Boniface IV]] &bull; [[Pope Adeodatus I|Adeodatus I]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface V|Boniface V]] &bull; [[Pope Honorius I|Honorius I]] &bull; [[Pope Severinus|Severinus]] &bull; [[Pope John IV|John IV]] &bull; [[Pope Theodore I|Theodore I]] &bull; [[Pope Martin I|Martin I]] &bull; [[Pope Eugene I|Eugene I]] &bull; [[Pope Vitalian|Vitalian]] &bull; [[Pope Adeodatus II|Adeodatus II]] &bull; [[Pope Donus|Donus]] &bull; [[Pope Agatho|Agatho]] &bull; [[Pope Leo II|Leo II]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict II|Benedict II]] &bull; [[Pope John V|John V]] &bull; [[Pope Conon|Conon]] &bull; [[Pope Sergius I|Sergius I]] &bull; [[Pope John VI|John VI]] &bull; [[Pope John VII|John VII]] &bull; [[Pope Sisinnius|Sisinnius]] &bull; [[Pope Constantine|Constantine]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory II|Gregory II]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory III|Gregory III]] &bull; [[Pope Zachary|Zachary]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen II|Stephen II]] &bull; [[Pope Paul I|Paul I]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen III|Stephen III]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian I|Adrian I]] &bull; [[Pope Leo III|Leo III]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen IV|Stephen IV]] &bull; [[Pope Paschal I|Paschal I]] &bull; [[Pope Eugene II|Eugene II]] &bull; [[Pope Valentine|Valentine]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory IV|Gregory IV]] &bull; [[Pope Sergius II|Sergius II]] &bull; [[Pope Leo IV|Leo IV]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict III|Benedict III]] &bull; [[Pope Nicholas I|Nicholas I]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian II|Adrian II]] &bull; [[Pope John VIII|John VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Marinus I|Marinus I]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian III|Adrian III]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen V|Stephen V]] &bull; [[Pope Formosus|Formosus]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface VI|Boniface VI]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen VI|Stephen VI]] &bull; [[Pope Romanus|Romanus]] &bull; [[Pope Theodore II|Theodore II]] &bull; [[Pope John IX|John IX]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict IV|Benedict IV]] &bull; [[Pope Leo V|Leo V]] &bull; [[Pope Sergius III|Sergius III]] &bull; [[Pope Anastasius III|Anastasius III]] &bull; [[Pope Lando|Lando]] &bull; [[Pope John X|John X]] &bull; [[Pope Leo VI|Leo VI]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen VII|Stephen VII]] &bull; [[Pope John XI|John XI]] &bull; [[Pope Leo VII|Leo VII]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen VIII|Stephen VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Marinus II|Marinus II]] &bull; [[Pope Agapetus II|Agapetus II]] &bull; [[Pope John XII|John XII]] &bull; [[Pope Leo VIII|Leo VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict V|Benedict V]] &bull; [[Pope John XIII|John XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict VI|Benedict VI]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict VII|Benedict VII]] &bull; [[Pope John XIV|John XIV]] &bull; [[Pope John XV|John XV]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory V|Gregory V]] &bull; [[Pope Silvester II|Silvester II]] &bull; [[Pope John XVII|John XVII]] &bull; [[Pope John XVIII|John XVIII]] &bull; [[Pope Sergius IV|Sergius IV]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict VIII|Benedict VIII]] &bull; [[Pope John XIX|John XIX]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict IX|Benedict IX]] &bull; [[Pope Silvester III|Silvester III]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict IX|Benedict IX]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory VI|Gregory VI]] &bull; [[Pope Clement II|Clement II]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict IX|Benedict IX]] &bull; [[Pope Damasus II|Damasus II]] &bull; [[Pope Leo IX|Leo IX]] &bull; [[Pope Victor II|Victor II]] &bull; [[Pope Stephen IX|Stephen IX]] &bull; [[Pope Nicholas II|Nicholas II]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander II|Alexander II]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory VII|Gregory VII]] &bull; [[Pope Victor III|Victor III]] &bull; [[Pope Urban II|Urban II]] &bull; [[Pope Paschal II|Paschal II]] &bull; [[Pope Gelasius II|Gelasius II]] &bull; [[Pope Callixtus II|Callixtus II]] &bull; [[Pope Honorius II|Honorius II]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent II|Innocent II]] &bull; [[Pope Celestine II|Celestine II]] &bull; [[Pope Lucius II|Lucius II]] &bull; [[Pope Eugene III|Eugene III]] &bull; [[Pope Anastasius IV|Anastasius IV]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian IV|Adrian IV]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander III|Alexander III]] &bull; [[Pope Lucius III|Lucius III]] &bull; [[Pope Urban III|Urban III]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory VIII|Gregory VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement III|Clement III]] &bull; [[Pope Celestine III|Celestine III]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent III|Innocent III]] &bull; [[Pope Honorius III|Honorius III]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory IX|Gregory IX]] &bull; [[Pope Celestine IV|Celestine IV]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent IV|Innocent IV]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander IV|Alexander IV]] &bull; [[Pope Urban IV|Urban IV]] &bull; [[Pope Clement IV|Clement IV]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory X|Gregory X]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent V|Innocent V]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian V|Adrian V]] &bull; [[Pope John XXI|John XXI]] &bull; [[Pope Nicholas III|Nicholas III]] &bull; [[Pope Martin IV|Martin IV]] &bull; [[Pope Honorius IV|Honorius IV]] &bull; [[Pope Nicholas IV|Nicholas IV]] &bull; [[Pope Celestine V|Celestine V]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface VIII|Boniface VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XI|Benedict XI]] &bull; [[Pope Clement V|Clement V]] &bull; [[Pope John XXII|John XXII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XII|Benedict XII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement VI|Clement VI]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent VI|Innocent VI]] &bull; [[Pope Urban V|Urban V]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XI|Gregory XI]] &bull; [[Pope Urban VI|Urban VI]] &bull; [[Pope Boniface IX|Boniface IX]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent VII|Innocent VII]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XII|Gregory XII]] &bull; [[Pope Martin V|Martin V]] &bull; [[Pope Eugene IV|Eugene IV]] &bull; [[Pope Nicholas V|Nicholas V]] &bull; [[Pope Callixtus III|Callixtus III]] &bull; [[Pope Pius II|Pius II]] &bull; [[Pope Paul II|Paul II]] &bull; [[Pope Sixtus IV|Sixtus IV]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent VIII|Innocent VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander VI|Alexander VI]] &bull; [[Pope Pius III|Pius III]] &bull; [[Pope Julius II|Julius II]] &bull; [[Pope Leo X|Leo X]] &bull; [[Pope Adrian VI|Adrian VI]] &bull; [[Pope Clement VII|Clement VII]] &bull; [[Pope Paul III|Paul III]] &bull; [[Pope Julius III|Julius III]] &bull; [[Pope Marcellus II|Marcellus II]] &bull; [[Pope Paul IV|Paul IV]] &bull; [[Pope Pius IV|Pius IV]] &bull; [[Pope Pius V|Pius V]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XIII|Gregory XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Sixtus V|Sixtus V]] &bull; [[Pope Urban VII|Urban VII]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XIV|Gregory XIV]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent IX|Innocent IX]] &bull; [[Pope Clement VIII|Clement VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Leo XI|Leo XI]] &bull; [[Pope Paul V|Paul V]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XV|Gregory XV]] &bull; [[Pope Urban VIII|Urban VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent X|Innocent X]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander VII|Alexander VII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement IX|Clement IX]] &bull; [[Pope Clement X|Clement X]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent XI|Innocent XI]] &bull; [[Pope Alexander VIII|Alexander VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent XII|Innocent XII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement XI|Clement XI]] &bull; [[Pope Innocent XIII|Innocent XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XIII|Benedict XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement XII|Clement XII]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XIV|Benedict XIV]] &bull; [[Pope Clement XIII|Clement XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Clement XIV|Clement XIV]] &bull; [[Pope Pius VI|Pius VI]] &bull; [[Pope Pius VII|Pius VII]] &bull; [[Pope Leo XII|Leo XII]] &bull; [[Pope Pius VIII|Pius VIII]] &bull; [[Pope Gregory XVI|Gregory XVI]] &bull; [[Pope Pius IX|Pius IX]] &bull; [[Pope Leo XIII|Leo XIII]] &bull; [[Pope Pius X|Pius X]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XV|Benedict XV]] &bull; [[Pope Pius XI|Pius XI]] &bull; [[Pope Pius XII|Pius XII]] &bull; [[Pope John XXIII|John XXIII]] &bull; [[Pope Paul VI|Paul VI]] &bull; [[Pope John Paul I|John Paul I]] &bull; [[Pope John Paul II|John Paul II]] &bull; [[Pope Benedict XVI|Benedict XVI]]<div style="float:right">{{Tnavbar|Popes}}

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