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The Christian understanding of justification

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Entry: Justification As Described By the Heidelberg Catechism
====James Compared with Paul.==== Wherefore, in this matter we are not speaking of a fictitious, empty, lazy and dead faith, but of a living, quickening faith. It is and is called a living faith because it apprehends Christ who is life and makes alive, and shows that it is alive by living works. And so James does not contradict anything in this doctrine of ours. For he speaks of an empty, dead faith of which some boasted but who did not have Christ living in them by faith (James 2:14 ff.). James said that works justify, yet without contradicting the apostle (otherwise he would have to be rejected) but showing that Abraham proved his living and justifying faith by works. This all the pious do, but they trust in Christ alone and not in their own works. For again the apostle said: "It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I do not reject the grace of God; for if justification were through the law, then Christ died to no purpose," etc. (Gal. 2:20 f.).
=== [[Justification]] As Described By the Heidelberg Catechism===
====60 Q. How are you right with God? ====
A. Only by true faith in Jesus Christ.'''1''' Even though my conscience accuses me of having grievously sinned against all God's commandments and of never having kept any of them,'''2''' and even though I am still inclined toward all evil,'''3''' nevertheless, without my deserving it at all,'''4''' out of sheer grace,'''5''' God grants and credits to me the perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ,'''6''' as if I had never sinned nor been a sinner, as if I had been as perfectly obedient as Christ was obedient for me.'''7''' All I need to do is to accept this gift of God with a believing heart.'''8'''
'''1''' Rom. 3:21-28; Gal. 2:16; Eph. 2:8, 9; Phil. 3:8-11.
'''2''' Rom. 3:9, 10.
'''3''' Rom. 7:23.
'''4''' Tit. 3:4, 5.
'''5''' Rom. 3:24; Eph. 2:8.
'''6''' Rom. 4:3-5 (Gen. 15:6); 2 Cor. 5:17-19; 1 John 2:1, 2.
'''7''' Rom. 4:24, 25; 2 Cor. 5:21.
'''8''' John 3:18; Acts 16:30, 31.
====61 Q. Why do you say that by faith alone you are right with God? ====
A. It is not because of any value my faith has that God is pleased with me. Only Christ's satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness make me right with God.'''1''' And I can receive this righteousness and make it mine in no other way than by faith alone.'''2'''
'''1''' 1 Cor. 1:30, 31.
'''2''' Rom. 10:10; 1 John 5:10-12.
====62 Q. Why can't the good we do make us right with God, or at least help make us right with Him? ====
A. Because the righteousness which can pass God's scrutiny must be entirely perfect and must in every way measure up to the divine law.1 Even the very best we do in this life is imperfect and stained with sin.2
'''1''' Rom. 3:20; Gal. 3:10 (Deut. 27:26).
'''2''' Isa. 64:6.
====63 Q. How can you say that the good we do doesn't earn anything when God promises to reward it in this life and the next?1 ====
A. This reward is not earned;'''1''' it is a gift of grace.'''2'''
'''1''' Matt. 5:12; Heb. 11:6.
'''2''' Luke 17:10; 2 Tim. 4:7, 8.
====64 Q. But doesn't this teaching make people indifferent and wicked? ====
A. No. It is impossible for those grafted into Christ by true faith not to produce fruits of gratitude.'''1'''
'''1''' Luke 6:43-45; John 15:5.
====65 Q. You confess that by faith alone you share in Christ and all his blessings: where does that faith come from? ====
A. The Holy Spirit produces it in our hearts'''1''' by the preaching of the holy gospel,'''2''' and confirms it through our use of the holy sacraments.'''3'''
'''1''' John 3:5; 1 Cor. 2:10-14; Eph. 2:8.
'''2''' Rom. 10:17; 1 Pet. 1:23-25.
'''3''' Matt. 28:19, 20; 1 Cor. 10:16.

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