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Postmodern Christianity may be described as a Christian accomodation to and assimilation of postmodernism. It emphasizes the otherness and incomprehensibility of God, and adopts postmodern epistemology which denies that absolute truth can be known. This epistemology often has serious consequences for Christian doctrine. Paying close attention to the age-old philosophical question of the relationship of faith and reason, Postmodern Christianity usually thinks of the Christian faith as in some way transcending human reason, rather than being unreasonable, illogical, or absurd--on the one hand--or merely logical, on the other hand. Many scholars have insisted, however, that postmodern theologians' rejection of foundationalism and bounded-set theology leaves postmodern Christians with no means to determine normative truth or morals.
Jean-Luc Marion, a French Catholic scholar, and Merold Westphal, an American Presbyterian, are proponents of Christian postmodernism, the former in, for example, the book God Without Being and the latter, for example, in the book Overcoming onto-theology.

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