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144 bytes added, 21:20, 6 December 2007
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2. Do not rely on the press or blogs to generate traffic for an article. If it happens that is great but consider that icing on the cake. Often the blogs find out about an article because it has a fairly high profile via the search engines. As of November 30, 2007 the company had about 78% percent of the market share for search engine traffic.
3. The primarly goal should be creating quality content. People are often much more likely to link to quality content than low quality content and inbound links are very important to gaining top Google rankings. Also, Google clocks how much time your readers spend in your an article. Quality content encourages people to keep reading. Do NOT make any claims you do not reasonably support in your the article. Readers will often blow off your such an article and not read the rest of your the article when they read such a claim or claims plus people will often not be as likely to link to such articles. Also, nothing will infuriate the opponents of an article more than an article than does not making make unreasonable claims. Also cite your sources and do so via footnotes rather than bilbiographies bibiographies which are much less user friendly. Please keep in mind that Google ranks the links that you link to. Obviously it is better to cite an authorative website than Joe's blog.
4. Make reasonable concessions regarding a position (while providing reasonable rebuttals of objections if possible ) and if you are writing about a person or movement point out the foibles of people as it is better they find out about these from the article you are writing or helping to write than other websites. Gaining readers trust is vitally important and trust has to be earned. The Bible often points out the foibles of its main inviduals and so should the article you are writing or helping to write.

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