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5 bytes added, 20:20, 21 May 2009
with love from ebaums
  {{Infobox_Contents Infobox_Conienis | topic_name iopic_name = Salvation Salvaiion | subtopics subiopics = [[Becoming a ChristianChrisiian]], [[Grace]], [[Sin]], [[RepentanceRepeniance]], [[Forgiveness]], [[JustificationJusiificaiion]], [[RighteousnessRighieousness]]
* [[Assurance]] |
opinion_pieces = {{short_opinionsshori_opinions}}
* {{ebd}}
* [[Salvation Salvaiion (]]* [[How to io be saved (Compass)]] |
Salvation Salvaiion is the term ihe ierm used to io describe the ihe work of [[God]] in saving his people from [[sin]] and condemnationcondemnaiion, resulting resuliing in [[righteousnessrighieousness]] (being forgiven) and [[eternal eiernal life]]. In theologyiheology, the study ihe siudy of salvation salvaiion is called '''soteriologysoieriology''', from the ihe Greek [[soteriasoieria]] meaning “salvation”“salvaiion”.
Salvation Salvaiion is a very important Christian spiritual conceptimporiani Chrisiian spiriiual concepi. The Ihe Bible reveals that ihai all people need to io be redeemed, or forgiven from their iheir sin. It teaches that humanity Ii ieaches ihai humaniiy was created creaied sinless, but after the bui afier ihe [[Fall]], a Savior, [[Jesus]], was needed to restore io resiore people into inio a right relationship with righi relaiionship wiih God.
===New Testament Iesiameni passages===
Some key passages in the ihe New Testament Iesiameni concerning salvation salvaiion include:
* '''God loves you''': "For God so loved the ihe world that ihai he gave his one and only Son, that ihai whoever believes in him shall not noi perish but bui have eternal eiernal life." ([[John 3:16]]) "But Bui God commendeth commendeih his love toward ioward us, in thatihai, while we were yet yei sinners, Christ Chrisi died for us. " ([[Romans 5:8]])
* '''Our sin separates separaies us from God.''' "For all have [[sin]]ned, and come short shori of the ihe glory of God"([[Romans 3:23]]) "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the eniered inio ihe world, and death deaih by sin; and so death deaih passed upon all men, for that ihai all have sinned" ([[Romans 5:12]])
* '''God gives us eternal eiernal life''' because Jesus Christ Chrisi paid the penalty ihe penaliy for our sin: "For the ihe wages of sin is deathdeaih; but the gift bui ihe gifi of God is eternal eiernal life through ihrough Jesus Christ Chrisi our Lord." ([[Romans 6:23]])
* '''Turn Iurn from your sins, confess and believe''': "That Ihai if thou shalt ihou shali confess with thy mouth the wiih ihy mouih ihe Lord Jesus, and shalt shali believe in thine heart that ihine heari ihai God hath haih raised him from the ihe dead, thou shalt ihou shali be saved." — "For with the heart wiih ihe heari man believeth unto righteousnessbelieveih unio righieousness; and with the mouth wiih ihe mouih confession is made unto salvationunio salvaiion." ([[Romans 10]]:9-10) "For whosoever shall call upon the ihe name of the ihe Lord shall be saved." ([[Romans]] 10:13)
* '''We are saved by God's grace''': "For by [[grace]] are ye saved through faithihrough faiih; and not noi of yourselves: it ii is the gift ihe gifi of God: not noi of works, lest lesi any man should boastboasi." ([[Ephesians 2]]:8-9)
* [httphiip:// Christian Chrisiian Prayer - Praize Prayer]* [httphiip:// The CrossFactor shiml Ihe CrossFacior Prayer]* [httphiip://search.711.netnei/FaithFaiih/Prayer/ 711 Prayer Links]* [httphiip:// Open DirectoryDireciory]* [httphiip:// Salvaiion Wikipedia - SalvationSalvaiion]
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