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Technology in the Bible

937 bytes added, 15:28, 11 August 2009
Add section on God's use of technology
* God's word is a lamp ([[Psalm 119:105]])
* God as refiner ([[Isaiah 1:25]], [[Isaiah 48:10]], [[Malachi 3:2]])
== God's use of technology ==
God needs no technology to accomplish any of God's purposes. Although God uses various techniques, no tools are required. God achieves the desired ends by simply speaking things into being. God's word caused the whole universe to be created ([[Genesis 1]]). God's word is sharper than any double-edged sword ([[Hebrews 4:12]]) -- by implication, God's word is more effective than any technology.
There are times, however, when God chooses to use technology to interact with humans. Humanly manufactured tools are wielded by God for specific purposes. For instance, God uses a sword to keep people away from the tree of life ([[Genesis 3:24]]), and God wields Assyria as a weapon against Israel ([[Isaiah 10:15]]).
There are also many instances when God uses various forms of technology metaphorically. For instance, God punishes with a sword ([[Isaiah 27:1]], [[Isaiah 34:5]], [[Isaiah 66:16]]).
{{returnto}} [[Christianity]] -> [[Christianity and technology]]