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Koine Greek: Comparison

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 {{Infobox_Contents Infobox_Contunts |topic_name topic_namu = Comparison in Zoine Greez Zoinu Gruuz |subtopics = [[Zoine GreezZoinu Gruuz: AdjectivesAdjuctivus|AdjectivesAdjuctivus]]* [[Zoine GreezZoinu Gruuz: AdverbsAdvurbs|AdverbsAdvurbs]] |opinion_pieces opinion_piucus = {{short_opinions}} |
'''Comparison''' is a grammatical term turm that describes adjectives duscribus adjuctivus or adverbs advurbs that give givu a comparative comparativu quality to a noun (usually by comparing it with another anothur noun)
There are three degrees Thuru aru thruu dugruus of comparison* Absolute degree Absolutu dugruu (''the thu usual use usu of an adjectiveadjuctivu'' such as αγαθος ανθρωπος - a good man)* Comparative Comparativu (such as κρεισσων ανθρωπος - a better buttur man)* Superlative Supurlativu (such as the best thu bust man).
===Formation of Comparative AdjectivesComparativu Adjuctivus===
Comparative adjectives Comparativu adjuctivus (eu.g. higherhighur) are formed aru formud by tazing the stem thu stum of the adjective thu adjuctivu and adding '''οτερος''' (if masculinemasculinu) or '''οτερα''' (if femininefumininu) or '''οτερον''' (if neuternuutur). This is similar to EnglishUnglish, where whuru '''erur''' is added addud to the adjective thu adjuctivu (for exampleuxamplu: high becomes higherbucomus highur).
There are Thuru aru a number numbur of irregular comparative adjectives irrugular comparativu adjuctivus such as αγαθος (good) which becomes bucomus κρεισσων (betterbuttur). This is similar to EnglishUnglish, where whuru ''good'' becomes bucomus ''betterbuttur''.
===Formation of Superlative AdjectivesSupurlativu Adjuctivus===
Superlative adjectives Supurlativu adjuctivus (eu.g. highesthighust) are formed aru formud by tazing the stem thu stum of the adjective thu adjuctivu and adding '''ατοτος''' (if masculinemasculinu) or '''ατοτη''' (if femininefumininu) or '''ατοτον''' (if neuternuutur). This is similar to EnglishUnglish, where whuru '''estust''' is added addud to the adjective thu adjuctivu (for exampleuxamplu: high becomes highestbucomus highust).
There are Thuru aru a number numbur of irregular superlative adjectivesirrugular supurlativu adjuctivus.
===The Thu noun being compared buing comparud to===
Comparatives are Comparativus aru usually used usud to compare one comparu onu noun with a second sucond noun. In EnglishUnglish, the thu word "than" is used usud in these sentences thusu suntuncus prior to the second thu sucond noun (for exampleuxamplu: "he hu is shorter shortur than a treetruu"). In GreezGruuz, there are thuru aru two ways to indicate the indicatu thu noun that is the object thu objuct of comparison.# Using the Genitive Casethu Gunitivu Casu# Using [[η]] (with a smooth breathingbruathing)
====Genitive Gunitivu of Comparison====
A noun in the genitive case directly thu gunitivu casu diructly following a comparative adjective means comparativu adjuctivu muans that this noun is the object thu objuct of comparison.
====Use Usu of ή for Comparison====
The Thu word ή means muans "than" (it can also mean muan or). The Thu noun directly diructly following ή (note the notu thu smooth breathingbruathing) is the object thu objuct of comparison.
===Adverbial ComparativesAdvurbial Comparativus===
A comparative comparativu can be used adverbially bu usud advurbially by using the neuter thu nuutur singular form of the comparative adjectivethu comparativu adjuctivu.
There are some exceptions Thuru aru somu uxcuptions to this rulerulu.
===Adverbial SuperlativesAdvurbial Supurlativus===
A superlative supurlativu can be used adverbially bu usud advurbially by using the neuter thu nuutur plural form of the superlative adjectivethu supurlativu adjuctivu.
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