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Technology in the Bible

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Technology in the Bible

On the page Biblical references to technology, we have tried to catalogue and comment on specific verses that mention technology of any kind. That catalogue provides the raw data for the more thematic comments on this current page.

There are no passages in the Bible that explicitly prescribe a Christian response to technology. Nevertheless, a close reading of the Bible can inform Christian attitudes in several ways:

  • We can correlate the Biblical text to other sources of history to understand the prevalence, cultural assumptions and economic importance of technology.
  • We can infer what attitudes and assumptions the Biblical writers held with regard to their experiences of technology in their own age, and use those as case studies to inform our own attitudes and assumptions.
  • We can learn about how people have employed technology for both godly and ungodly purposes and derive principles for our own decisions about the value of technology.

In the end, there is no fundamental difference between how Christians should decide about the use of technology and how they should decide about most of life's questions. When there is no definitive Biblical statement on the topic, we apply core principles of Christian discipleship such as the call to stewardship over creation, the Great Commandments (Matthew 22:37 - Matthew 22:40), a desire for holiness, a total reliance on God, a commitment to the community of faith, and an expectation that God will give us wisdom (James 1:5).


Metaphoric applications of technology

Many verses in the Bible uses some type of technology as a metaphor for something more spiritual. Examples include:

Jesus makes powerful metaphoric use of technology to draw his audience from something that they know well towards some new spiritual concept. This is both great communication and tacit approval for the use of technology. Some examples are:

The frequency of metaphoric references indicates a broad acceptance among the Biblical writers of the technologies of their time. If the writers were in any way opposed to technology, we could expect them to avoid these types of metaphors, or to use technological metaphors dismissively or scornfully. But none of that is evident.

God's use of technology

God needs no technology to accomplish any of God's purposes. Although God uses various techniques, no tools are required. God achieves the desired ends by simply speaking things into being. God's word caused the whole universe to be created (Genesis 1, John 1). God's word is sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12) -- by implication, God's word is more effective than any technology.

There are times, however, when God chooses to use technology (normally metaphorically) to interact with humans. For instance:

Jesus used various technologies: as a carpenter he would have used wood-working tools; he travelled in boats; wore clothes; lived in houses; made a whip. But he didn't need any technology: he could turn water into wine rather than rely on the traditional technique (John 2:1 - John 2:10); he could walk on water rather than rely on a boat (John 6:19); no doubt he used doors and yet he could pass through a locked door (John 20:19, John 20:26).

God is often said to use weapons:

Technology in relation to Redemption

In Four Questions for Technology from the Biblical Story and From the Garden to the City: Technology in the Story of Redemption, John Dyer suggests that:

  • When a person creates a new tool, the display of creativity and ingenuity glorifies God by displaying the imago dei even if the inventor was not attempting to do so. (Reflection)
  • All technology has the potential to be used for sin. Technology is inseparably tied to humanity’s rejection of God and God’s grace toward humanity in allowing us to continue. (Rebellion)
  • Technology is almost always designed to overcome an effect of the Fall. It, therefore, can function redemptively and yet simultaneously represent the inadequacy of our attempts to live without God. (Redemption)
  • When technology fails, rather than causing us sadness and grief, they offer us a chance to reorient our hope away from our technology and toward Christ’s return. So when you get a blue screen of death or an iPhone lockup, rather than curse in disgust, it should be an opportunity to say, “Come, Lord Jesus, Come!” (Restoration)

Musical instruments

To the extent that music requires a manufactured instrument, it involves technology. We may think that "technology" only implies modern electronic devices, but at various times in history all musical instruments must have seemed like new-fangled technology. The instruments themselves are tools for achieving some human purpose and hence are a form of technology. The ability to manufacture musical instruments also implies the use of other tools.

The Bible is extremely positive in the way it describes musical instruments, especially in the context of those instruments being used to praise God. Psalm 150 is the prime example of this.

Numerous types of instruments are mentioned in the Bible, including:

See the book "Musical Instruments Of The Bible" by Jeremy Montagu.

Metal refining

The first mention of metalwork in the Bible is quite early: Genesis 4:22 describes Tubal-Cain as a forger of bronze and iron tools. Silver money is mentioned in Genesis 20:16 and gold jewellery in Genesis 24:22. These references imply the existence and acceptance of mining, refining, furnaces, and weighing.

1 Kings 7:46 indicates that bronze was fashioned into many ornate shapes by casting it in clay moulds.

The process of metal refining is applied metaphorically to the human condition in several places, including Proverbs 17:3, Proverbs 25:5 - Proverbs 25:6, Proverbs 27:21, Isaiah 48:10, Jeremiah 6:27 - Jeremiah 6:30 and Zechariah 13:9. An important component of that process is the removal of dross (Isaiah 1:25, Jeremiah 6:29), which can only be done when the raw materials are heated to melting point. To achieve our purification, God is a refiner's fire (Malachi 3:2). Virtually the same point is made by another Biblical metaphor: that of winnowing to separate the grain from the chaff (e.g. Proverbs 20:26, Isaiah 41:15, Luke 3:17).

The Bible also points out that gold is less desirable than the law of the Lord (Psalm 19:10) and of less worth than faith (1 Peter 1:7).


Design and construction

In the Old Testament accounts of Noah's Ark, the Tabernacle and the Temple, God dictates a detailed design but not the construction methods.

God's people appropriate technology from other cultures

Communication technology

  • Writing
  • scrolls
  • trumpets, especially for signals during battle or to sound an alarm. Moses was specifically instructed to make two silver trumpets to call the community together (Numbers 10:1 - Numbers 10:10
  • libraries and archives


An important aspect of Jesus' mission was to heal the sick, and although he tended to do so by supernatural means, the Bible reflects a positive attitude to doctors and medical treatment. For example,

  • Genesis 50:2 -- mentions physicians and embalming, probably concepts that Joseph learnt from his time in Egypt
  • 2 Kings 20:7 and Isaiah 38:21 -- a poultice of figs is used to heal a boil
  • Ezekiel 30:21 -- the use of a splint for a broken arm
  • Luke 10:34 -- the Good Samaritan used bandages, oil and wine to treat the victim of a mugging
  • Colossians 4:14 -- Paul refers to Luke as the beloved physician
  • 1 Timothy 5:23 -- Paul advises Timothy to "use a little wine because of your stomach and your frequent illnesses"
  • Revelation 3:18 -- God recommends that the Laodiceans buy salve to put on their eyes

The Biblical view, however, is that medical technology and techniques are not the whole story.

  • 2 Chronicles 16:12 -- King Asa is criticised for not praying about his illness, but only seeking the advice of doctors.
  • Jeremiah 8:22 -- Surely there are doctors and medicine in Gilead, but none of them can heal the wounds of Israel.

What doctors cannot heal, Jesus can! -- the women who had bleed for 12 years is a good example (Mark 5:26).

Agriculture and biology

Military technology

Swords Spears Siege ramps Bows and arrows Chariots




Trust God rather than technology

God is greater than any technology

I guess that is true by definition since God is the creator of all there is, but here are a few specific examples:

  • Hebrews 4:12 God's word is sharper than any double-edged sword

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