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Revision as of 14:34, 7 November 2008 by Aquatiki (talk | contribs)

Genesis 1 - Does the Creation account contradict the theory of evolution?

Genesis 1-2 - Two different Creation accounts

Genesis 1-2:4 - The Creation account and the Babylonian Creation myth

Genesis 1:14 - Light is created before the sun

Genesis 1:26 - God talks to another god

Genesis 1:27 - Were Adam and Eve real people?

Genesis 2:17 - God says they will die from the fruit, but they don't

Genesis 3:3 - God says they will die from the fruit, but they don't. See Genesis 2:17

Genesis 3:9 - God didn't know where Adam was

Genesis 3:22 - God talks to another god See Genesis 1:26

Genesis 3:14 - Says snakes eat dirt, but they don't

Genesis 3:16 - God multiplies womens' pain

Genesis 3:22 - God talks to another god. See Genesis 1:26.

Genesis 4:12 - Cain is not given capital punishment as Torah prescribes

Genesis 4:17 - Who is Cain's wife?

Genesis 5:1-31 - People living 900 years

Genesis 5:1-31 - This timeline is younger than archeological timelines

Genesis 5:24 - Contradiction on whether Jesus or Enoch ascended first

Genesis 6:2, 4 - Contradiction on Jesus being God's only son

Genesis 6:3 -

Genesis 6:6-7 - How could God regret something?

Genesis 6:8, 12 - How could Noah be the only righteous man in the world?

Genesis 7:1 - Was Noah sinless?

Genesis 7:2, 8-9 - How many of each animal were on the ark?

Genesis 9:4 - Is blood transfusion wrong?

Genesis 11:4 - Scientific error on Babel reaching the sky

Genesis 11:5 - God "comes down" though He is omnipresent

Genesis 11:8-9 - Contradiction of Babel with "God is not the author of confusion"

Genesis 14:14 - Anachronism concerning Dan

Genesis 17:1 - Is God invisible or not? See Is God Invisible?

Genesis 18:24 - God "comes down" though He is omnipresent; see Genesis 11:5.

Genesis 18:23-33 - God changes His mind

Genesis 20:11-12 - Abraham marries his sister

Genesis 21:32,34 - Anachronism concerning the Philistines

Genesis 22:1 - God tests Abraham

Genesis 22:2 - God commands human sacrifice

Genesis 22:12 - Why test Abraham if God foreknew the outcome?

Genesis 24:10 - Anachronistic reference to camels

Genesis 25:23 - God determines Jacob's sin

Genesis 26:1, 8, 14-5, 18 - Anachronistic reference to the Philistines

Genesis 26:2 - Is God invisible or not? See Is God Invisible?

Genesis 30:39 - Scientific error of Laban's goats

Genesis 32:39 - Is God invisible or not? See Is God Invisible?

Genesis 35:9 - Is God invisible or not? See Is God Invisible?

Genesis 36:31 - Anachronistic reference to Edom

Genesis 37:25, 28, 36 - Did the Ishmaelites or Midianites sell Joseph?

Genesis 37:25 - Anachronisms on a caravan

Genesis 39:1 - Did the Ishmaelites or Midianites sell Joseph? See Genesis 37:25, 28, 36

Genesis 42:26-7 - How many went to Egypt with Jacob?

Genesis 47:31 - Was Joseph at the head of the bed or leaning on a staff?

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Bible: Genesis


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