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June Scripture Portion for Bible Commentary : Job 12 - Psalm 102

At this point in Job's experience of suffering, it would seem that he had faced all he possibly could. But there is more opposition and criticism to come. In chapter 18 Bildad begins another indictment against him. He also attempts to frighten Job by describing the doom of the wicked.

In chapter 19 Job replies to Bildad. He is discouraged. His heart is crushed. His friends have falsely accused him. His wife has told him to curse God and die. He is standing alone, with a broken heart. Beyond that, because of his physical condition, he feels he is dying. He is ready to quit. But God still has a purpose for Job. There is a flash of faith and light in verses 25-27, as the Spirit of God enlightens him and lifts him out of his despair. In these verses Job utters one of the most superlative statements of faith found in the Old Testament. "For I know that my redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth: And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God: Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me." Those words express the deepest and most radiant conviction of believing hearts. What a witness to the blessed hope of the Lord's coming, the resurrection of the body, and the glorification of the saints.

Zophar's second speech is recorded in chapter 20. In these verses he mistakenly places Job in the same category with the wicked, and he argues that their seeming prosperity is only brief.