Daily Devotions - Commentary on The Entire Bible in 365 Days

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The Bible has always been the most read books since they invented the printing press. Here is a 365 day Bible reading pland and commentary of the entire Bible organized according to the day of the calendar.

Today's Bible Commentary


September, 22 - Daily Devotions

September scripture portion: Ezekiel 12 - Malachi (including the Books of Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi)

Chapter 6:1-7 is a warning about self-indulgences. The people were self-secure and were depending upon themselves and their riches. Amos gives solemn warning that they must turn from those things of the flesh and return to the Lord, or punishment would be inevitable. Their pride and the injustice of the land could not go unpunished.

Chapter 8 records the vision of the summer fruit. The Hebrew Word for summer fruit is "hayit" and the Word for end (verse 2) is "hatz." These two words look and sound alike, and Amos used one to lead to the other. The goodness of Israel was like the summer fruit. It was perishable and soon deteriorated. God's judgment would come upon Israel.

In verses 4-14 God names the sins of the people, and warns that He will send His wrath upon them--not only by natural calamities, but by a famine of the Word of God. The people had not listened to the Word of God when they had the opportunity; therefore, God would take His Word from them. God warns that their idols at Dan and Beersheba would be powerless to help them in the coming calamity (verse 14).

Chapter 9 records the final vision at the altar, with the Lord standing upon the altar. Judgment begins at the house of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17). The people had been outwardly religious, but their hearts were not sincere. Verses 8 and 9 summarize what God is going to do. He compares the coming judgment to the sifting of grain. The good seed, the true believers, will be saved; but the chaff will be burned.

The Book of Amos closes on a note of victory. In verses 11-15 the promise of future restoration is given.

One Year Bible Reading Plan and Commentary

Bible Commentary January : Genesis 1 - Leviticus 3

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January Scripture Portion

February Bible Commentary : Leviticus 4 - Deuteronomy 24

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February Scripture Portion

March Bible Commentary Devotional comments on Deuteronomy 25 - I Samuel 29

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March Scripture Portion

April Bible Commentary : 1 Samuel 30 - 1 Chronicles 6

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April Scripture Portion

May Bible Commentary : I Chronicles 7 - Job 11

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June Bible Commentary : Job 12 - Psalms 102

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July Scripture Portion

July Bible Commentary : Psalms 103 - Isaiah 27

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August Bible Commentary : Isaiah 28 - Ezekiel 11

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September Bible Commentary : Ezekiel 12 - Malachi

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October Bible Commentary : Matthew 1 - Luke 22

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November Bible Commentary : Luke 23 - I Corinthians 10

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December Bible Commentary : I Corinthians 11 - Revelation 22

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